Ingemar Persson


Mysteriet vid Djatlovpasset
Executive Producer
In 1959, nine dead bodies were found in the Djatlov Pass in Siberia. Nobody knows what happened. Now a Swedish archaeologist thinks he has the solution to the mystery. Can the answer be related to a catastrophe that occurred in the Swedish mountain world in 1978? What really caused the downfall of the Djatlov expedition? A film by Melker Becker.
Jorden är platt
Jan Johansson - en liten film om en stor konstnär
Executive Producer
"A small film about a great artist" - The Swedish pianist Jan Johansson (1931-1968), one of the most celebrated jazz/folk music pianist's of Northern Europe. The film tracks the pianist's coming greatness through the great masters Schubert, Mozart, and Hayden, to jazz music and Jan Johansson's transformation of Swedish folk songs, records on the album "Jazz på svenska".
A Respeito da Violência
Uma narrativa visual de África, baseada em material de arquivo recentemente descoberto que abrange a luta de libertação do domínio colonial, no final dos anos 1960 e nos anos 1970, acompanhada por excertos de Os Condenados da Terra, de Frantz Fanon.
När jag blir stor
A film about children growing up in the new Sweden. But it's also a film about the children's parents and their life choices, sorrows and dreams.
30 sekunder
Project Manager