Florian Stetter

Florian Stetter

Nascimento : 1977-08-02, Munich, Germany


Florian Stetter
Florian Stetter


Was wir verbergen
Volker Tempel
In falschen Händen
Shadows of the Past
As a 16-year-old girl, Christina experienced her great love – with 39-year-old Jakob. When he died in an accident, he left an irrevocable gap in her life. Twenty years later, young Patrick rescues Christina from a thunderstorm. From the beginning, he reminds her of Jacob, from his friendly and confident nature to his characteristic gestures. The two become lovers. Christina is happy with Patrick, in whom she sees more and more the Jacob she has found again. But the more the two men become one person for Christina, the more irritated Patrick becomes. When he begins to see more than coincidence in their encounter, Christina has disappeared.
Der Boandlkramer und die ewige Liebe
Anderl Kolbinger
Death (in Bavarian: Boandlkramer) is supposed to get little Maxl, but he falls in love with Maxl's mother. Confused by the previously unknown feelings, he confides in the devil. The incarnate persuades him to start a business where the Boandlkramer gets the chance to compete for Gefi as a mortal. Encouraged by the advice of the recently deceased womanizer Max Gumberger, the Boandl stumbles through earthly life in search of eternal love.
Im Abgrund
Christoph Berkenbusch
Die drei Königskinder
Two royal children are abandoned in the river by their evil grandmother just after their birth. However, a miller and his wife have raised the foundlings as their own beloved children. The wicked old queen discovers that the children are still alive.
Wiener Blut
Ferdinand Mahler
A brutal-looking man drives through Vienna in a pick-up – with human cargo on the locked loading area. His victim, bound and gagged, is Karl Burger.
Kranke Geschäfte
Good Girl Gone Bad
Siegfried Grimm
West Germany, 1983. Seventeen-year-old Ursula wants it all and is thus too much, although all she's looking for is love. Enter Siegfried Grimm, the charismatic new teacher who finally recognizes Ursula's true potential. She falls for him, head over heels. A pity that Grimm sexually liberates the entire village - except Ursula. While the Grimm acolytes fight for the favor of their idol, Ursula resorts to more radical measures. Whatever it takes, she'll get back at Grimm.
Allmen and the Mystery of the Dahlias
Claude Tenz
Allmen and the mystery of the dahlias.
Vermisst in Berlin
Jan Pollak
Family Idiots
Wanting to start a new life, 40-year-old Heli has found an institution in which she can put her younger, mentally disabled sister. Her three egocentric brothers have agreed to the plan and come to share their sister's final weekend at the house where they all grew up on the outskirts of Berlin. They find that the "baby of the litter" has turned into an unpredictable "monster". The fallout brings them closer together than they'd expected.
Godefroy Lempereur
François is a literary scholar and drinker. His relationships with women are limited to one year, his life is sufficiently happy. Until the day when charismatic Muslim politician Mohamed Ben Abbes becomes president in France, introduces patriarchy and polygamy and loses his job. In his growing loneliness, Rector Rediger's offer to resume his teaching at the Sorbonne reaches him on one condition: he must convert to Islam.
Duas Vezes Cupido
Jan Palfy
Text for You
Sports writer Mark is baffled when he receives romantic text messages on his cell phone. What he does not know: His new number once belonged to the deceased boyfriend of Clara, who continues to send text messages in order to cope with the loss. When Mark's girlfriend discovers the texts, she is understandably upset. Along with his best friend David, Mark sets out to find the mysterious writer.
Simon Says Goodbye to His Foreskin
Simon Grünberg (12) never cared for his Jewish heritage, while his divorced parents bicker whether he should to his bar mithzva as father Frank wants, or save his foreskin as mother Hannah holds. When he falls in love at first sight of the new 'rabbi' Rebecca, Ben decides to join the preparatory religious class hoping to win her.
Eine wie diese
Nu Entre Lobos
Hans Pippig
No final de março de 1945, no campo de concentração Buchenwald, o prisioneiro Hans Pippig descobre em uma mala uma criança judia escondida. Se denunciar a criança de 3 anos com certeza morrerá. Por outro lado, a violação de regras do campo ameaçaria a longa preparação para a revolta dos prisioneiros contra a SS.
Duas Irmãs, Uma Paixão
Friedrich Schiller
O filme acompanha a história do triângulo amoroso das irmãs Caroline (Hannah Herzsprung) e Charlotte (Henriette Confurius) com o escritor Friedrich Schiller (Florian Stetter). As irmãs sempre foram muito próximas e amigas uma da outra, e partilhavam de um coração e alma muito interligados. Com a chegada de Schiller, as duas se veem presas a um mesmo amor, e são levadas pelo escritor, que se apaixona pelas duas igualmente. Carolline é casada, mas vive uma vida infeliz com o marido, e encontra em Schiller seu conforto. Já Charlotte vivia sonhando com um bom marido, e vê igualmente em Schiller o homem de sua vida. Os três começam a viver um romance juntos, mas os laços das irmãs podem não ser tão fortes para sustentar essa situação.
Wealthy Corpses: A Crime Story from Starnberg
Timo Senst
A crime movie directed by Dominik Graf.
Die Frau aus dem Moor
Matthias Staudacher
Matthias and Nelly live in a village in the Bavarian Alpine foothills. The couple could not be more different. When Matthias discovers a bog body in the lake, everything changes.
14 Estações de Maria
Pater Weber
Maria, uma garota de 14 anos, é uma católica fundamentalista, que vive sua vida de um jeito moderno, porém seu coração pertence a Jesus. Ela quer se tornar santa e alcançar o paraíso. Ninguém, nem mesmo um garoto pelo qual se interessa, conseguirá convencê-la do contrário.
O Sabor das Sementes de Maçã
Após a morte de sua avó, uma família no norte da Alemanha se reúne novamente no imóvel herdado. A saga da família ilumina seu passado; lindas e duras lembranças. Adaptação do livro de 2008 com o mesmo nome.
Inklusion - gemeinsam anders
Albert Schwarz
Nanga Parbat
Reinhold Messner
Drama about the tragic Nanga Parbat expedition by the two Messner brothers in 1970, on which Reinhold Messners younger brother Günther died.
The Sea Wolf
Humphrey van Weyden
The Sea-Wolf is based on a 1904 psychological adventure novel by American novelist Jack London, about a literary critic, who is survivor of an ocean collision. He then comes under the dominance of Wolf Larsen, the powerful and amoral sea captain who rescues him.
Der geheimnisvolle Schwiegersohn
David Litschka
The daughter of a famous writer believes her mother is responsible for her father's death. Since then the relationship between them is cooled increasingly, to the point that she did not invite her mother when she marries. The husband, far from promoting good relations between them, takes them away even more, which sees the mother and begins to suspect him when he receives a note threatening to kill his daughter.
Return of the Storks
Slovakia's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 2007
Carl Ronstedt
Uma Mulher Contra Hitler
Christoph Probst
Em 1943, Hitler marcha pela Europa em sua devastadora ofensiva. Em Munique, um grupo de jovens universitários apela para a resistência como forma de conter a máquina de guerra nazista. Assim, nasce o Rosa Branca. A única mulher que participa do grupo é Sophie Scholl (Julia Jentsch). Enquanto distribuíam panfletos Sophie e seu irmão, Hans (Fabian Hinrichs), são presos. Os dias que se seguem são de intensos interrogatórios conduzidos pelos oficiais da Gestapo, nos quais ela tenta proteger a qualquer custo os membros da organização.
Adapted from Eduard von Keyserling’s 1911 novel of the same title, Waves depicts both the lives and loves of an aristocratic German family during a summer holiday on the Baltic coast of what is now Lithuania, as well as the twilight of a social order and its mores in a world soon to be plunged into the cataclysm of world war.
Liebes Spiel
Mein Vater, meine Frau und meine Geliebte
Ernst Weiss
Great feelings about a selfless young doctor on the wrong path of passion: On the eve of the First World War, Ernst is betrayed and betrayed by the two women to whom he gives his heart. He serves in World War I, gets injured, gives himself up. His love for a Polish countess saves him. But the lover dies in childbirth and the supposedly common daughter is not his. His world finally collapses when even his beloved father robs him of the glory of a medical discovery. And yet he finds the strength to continue the fight for his happiness.
Justus von Jaucher
Em 1945, havia quarenta "Napolas" e era planejada a criação de mais cem para o período posterior à "vitória final" do Reich. Os estudantes eram treinados também militarmente e usavam uniformes. O objetivo principal era a transmissão da ideologia nazista. Hitler pensava que a construção do "novo homem" levaria duas gerações. No entanto, o método não durou sequer uma: depois de doze anos, o "Reich de Mil Anos" foi liquidado. Em 1942, as competências de boxe de Friedrich Weimer obtem-lhe uma nomeação para a National Politic Academy (NaPolA) - escolas de ensino médio que produzem elite nazista. Durante seus anos na sétima coluna, sua inocência é abalada, quando se deparara com trotes, crueldade, morte e o código nazista. Sua amizade com Albrecht, filho do governador da região, é importante para manter a "sanidade"...
Vater werden ist nicht schwer
Noah Fauster
Friends of Friends
Dominik Graf relocates the story of the same name by Henry James from the 19th century to the year 2001.
Rieke's Love
Nils Wehmeyer
A young figure-skater becomes jealous when her brother, also a young figure-skater, falls for another young female figure-skater. She thought she was all that he needs.
A Fine Day
A day in the life of the 21 years old Deniz, who aims to become an actress and makes her living by dubbing movies. After she has split with her old boyfriend she gets to know Diego and spends the evening with him.
Love, Money, Love
David, a recently fired scrapyard worker and Marie, a prostitute, both about 20 years old, meet on New Year's Eve in Berlin and decide to run away together. As David's arm is plastered from an accident Marie continues to prostitute herself to finance their restless journey through the Ruhr area. Their love and their will to survive guide them though all problems.