Andrey Vnukov


Prisão Domiciliar
Sound Director
David é um professor russo que começa a usar as redes sociais para criticar a administração de sua cidade. Mas logo ele é acusado de fraude pelos governantes e colocado em prisão domiciliar. Agora, David precisa encontrar uma maneira de se fazer ouvir novamente.
Sound Director
The cinematographer Zhenya must earn extra by driving a taxi to support his wife and sick child. Once, a casual passenger involves him in a criminal story similar to a movie, which Zhenya films in his head.
Summer Of Sea Buckthorn
Sound Director
The film is about the life and death of the outstanding playwright Alexander Vampilov. Life and death, which reflected the era. The two most important meanings are connected in this story. The fate of a simple provincial man who chooses the path of the artist and the love of their native places.