Clive Owen stars as a prison inmate who goes into an experimental "open" prison where the inmates walk around freely and get job training for their impending releases. While there, he discovers he has a talent for growing flowers. His talent is recognized by a gardening guru who encourages him and four other inmates to enter a national gardening competition
Executive Producer
Clive Owen stars as a prison inmate who goes into an experimental "open" prison where the inmates walk around freely and get job training for their impending releases. While there, he discovers he has a talent for growing flowers. His talent is recognized by a gardening guru who encourages him and four other inmates to enter a national gardening competition
Executive Producer
Barney Snow acorda em um hospital sem memória, só se lembra de seu nome e algumas imagens de um carro batido. Ele transforma aquele lugar em sua casa temporariamente e acaba sabendo que todos os outros pacientes da clinica morreram de cancer - exceto ele. Lá ele começa uma nova vida e se apaixona pela irma de um paciente. Mas sua memória volta e muitas surpresas de seu passado podem atrapalhar o seu futuro.