Marianna Balashova

Marianna Balashova


Marianna Balashova


Documentary film dedicated to the destiny of the great Soviet actress Tatyana Samoylova
Several women unfamiliar with each other get acquainted on the way to the wedding.
Novogodniy Detektiv
Executive Producer
В предновогодней московской суете Галина случайно встречает свою первую любовь, бывшего одноклассника Эдуарда. Вспомнив прошлое, они решают встретить Новый Год вместе. Но праздничная ночь принесет много сюрпризов, ведь старые знакомые не торопятся рассказывать друг другу о переменах, произошедших с ними за все эти годы… Эта новогодняя сказка вселяет в людей уверенность, что если не в Новогоднюю ночь, так в Новом Году они обязательно встретят свою половинку!
The House of Sun
Executive Producer
The whole world of a young girl Sasha is changing after she meets Sun - a hippie leader.
The Apocalypse Code
Terrorist Jaffad Ben Zayidi steals four nuclear bombs from a sunken American submarine and hides them in four major cities throughout the world. The charges can be activated by an 11-digit code. Zayidi dies and his accomplice, nicknamed "The Executioner," is about to blow up the bombs. The Executioner is chased by FSB, whose agent Marie has previously infiltrated Zayidi's team.
Waiting for a Miracle
Executive Producer
The story of a young girl who believes in miracles. The guys do not pay any attention to her, at work, her ideas are stolen and used, friends consider her a little strange, but the young girl does not lose heart and continues to believe in a prince on a white horse. And one day he appears. Handsome, young, he is subject to magic, and henceforth her feelings. How now not to believe in a fairy tale when she herself was in it?... The long-awaited prince will make her life truly magical.
Countdown: Ataque Terrorista
Ação é o que não falta nesse filme que faz parte de uma nova leva de produções do cinema russo, com filmes mais e com acesso mais popular do que as tradicionais obras artísticas que seguem a tradição cinematográfica local. Um grupo de terroristas quer mudar o rumo da humanidade com um plano ousado: eles pretendem destruir Roma, o berço da civilização ocidental, transformado a histórica cidade em um grande cemitério. Um grupo de agentes russos especiais formam uma coalizão com agentes ocidentais para tentar derrotar perigosos bandidos. Homens e mulheres treinados vão dar a própria vida se for preciso para salvar o destino de toda a humanidade.
Railway Romance
During the New Year eve Alexey is trying to get back his first love.