Among the legends of Hollywood, George Pal takes his place as a true visionary, an innovator and a showman who profoundly shaped the art of motion pictures. A peer of Walt Disney, Pal pioneered stop motion animation and went on to virtually invent the modern science fiction and fantasy film genres. Pal's extraordinary genius molded a dazzling array of films, which earned an incredible total of eight Academy Awards and left a cinematic legacy that served as formative inspiration for the movies of George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Gene Roddenberry.
Quando o super-homem Doc Savage (Ron Ely) retorna para Nova Iorque, ele descobre que seus pais, na verdade, morreram em circunstâncias mais do que misteriosas. A investigação leva Doc a visitar um país da América Central e, em seguida, caçar os responsáveis pelo crime que tirou a vida de seus pais. No entanto, o que Doc não sabe é que ele mesmo está na lista de execução dos criminosos.
Quando o super-homem Doc Savage (Ron Ely) retorna para Nova Iorque, ele descobre que seus pais, na verdade, morreram em circunstâncias mais do que misteriosas. A investigação leva Doc a visitar um país da América Central e, em seguida, caçar os responsáveis pelo crime que tirou a vida de seus pais. No entanto, o que Doc não sabe é que ele mesmo está na lista de execução dos criminosos.
One by one members of a special project team are being killed by telekinesis - the ability to move things with the power of the mind alone. The race is on to determine which of the remaining team members is the murderer and to stop them.
Um chinês gentil e idoso (possui 7322 anos), Dr. Lao (Tony Randall) chega em Abalone, Arizona, com seu circo, que tem atrações únicas (o Abominável Homem das Neves, Merlin, Medusa, Pan, Apolônio de Tiana e outros seres fantásticos). Ele constata rapidamente que a cidade é dominada por um rico rancheiro, Clint Stark (Arthur O'Connell), que alega que em seis meses não haverá água na cidade, pois o aqueduto está quase inutilizado e o conserto seria de US$ 237 mil. Assim, Stark propõe comprar toda a cidade e só Ed Cunningham (John Ericson), o dono do jornal local, se opõe à idéia. Mas em poucos dias o Dr. Lao irá alterar a vida dos moradores de Abalone.
The Grimm brothers Wilhelm and Jacob, known for their literary works in the nineteenth century, have their lives dramatized. Wilhelm fights to write something entertaining amongst the sea of dry, non-fiction books they write and he sets about collecting oral-tradition fairy tales to put into print. Their life story is countered with reenactments of three of their stories including "The Dancing Princess," "The Cobbler and the Elves" and "The Singing Bone."
"Atlântida: O Continente Perdido" retorna à lenda do continente desaparecido de Atlântida ao contar a história do jovem Demétrio, um pescador grego que resgata a bela Antilia de um afogamento em mar aberto. A princesa da Atlântida então convence ao já apaixonado rapaz a retornar com ela ao seu estranho e glorioso reino. Lar de maravilhas e encantamentos, Atlântida também é um povo cheio de desejo e maldade, de ambições da conquistas ilimitadas e isto acaba por levar a cidade a sofrer a vingança furiosa da própria Terra, desaparecendo em um colapso que a enterrou em um local até hoje desconhecido para o homem.
"Atlântida: O Continente Perdido" retorna à lenda do continente desaparecido de Atlântida ao contar a história do jovem Demétrio, um pescador grego que resgata a bela Antilia de um afogamento em mar aberto. A princesa da Atlântida então convence ao já apaixonado rapaz a retornar com ela ao seu estranho e glorioso reino. Lar de maravilhas e encantamentos, Atlântida também é um povo cheio de desejo e maldade, de ambições da conquistas ilimitadas e isto acaba por levar a cidade a sofrer a vingança furiosa da própria Terra, desaparecendo em um colapso que a enterrou em um local até hoje desconhecido para o homem.
Final do século XIX. George (Rod Taylor) é um cientista que, cansado da ignorância do seu tempo, decide construir uma máquina do tempo. Ele sonha em conhecer o futuro, onde acredita que encontrará a paz entre os homens. Porém, ao conseguir realizar a viagem, George surpreende-se com o que encontra. A raça humana está dividida em duas, sendo que, na superfície, as pessoas são pacíficas e nos subterrâneos, são deformadas e canibais. Para regressar à sua época, George precisa ir até os subterrâneos, já que sua máquina do tempo está com o povo que lá vive.
Final do século XIX. George (Rod Taylor) é um cientista que, cansado da ignorância do seu tempo, decide construir uma máquina do tempo. Ele sonha em conhecer o futuro, onde acredita que encontrará a paz entre os homens. Porém, ao conseguir realizar a viagem, George surpreende-se com o que encontra. A raça humana está dividida em duas, sendo que, na superfície, as pessoas são pacíficas e nos subterrâneos, são deformadas e canibais. Para regressar à sua época, George precisa ir até os subterrâneos, já que sua máquina do tempo está com o povo que lá vive.
Uma comédia musical adaptada do clássico conto dos irmãos Grimm, onde um certo dia um lenhados poupa uma árvore especial e a Rainha da Floresta, em sinal de agradecimento concede-lhe uma preciosa dádiva: um filho, uma vez que o casal de lenhadores há muito ansiavam ter mas sem resultados. Esse filho, porém, era tão pequenino tão pequenino que tinha o tamanho de um polegar! O protagonista (Russ Tamlyn, um bailarino que já havia atuado em 'Sete Noivas Para Sete Irmãos' com 24 anos interpreta uma criança. Gorge Pal, com o grande sucesso deste filme, conseguiu realizar a produção considerado o melhor filme de sua carreira: 'A Máquina do Tempo - The Time Machine' (1960), adaptação da obra de H.G. Wells. Agora remasterizado direto do negativo original e dublado em português, O Pequeno Polegar, é uma raridade inédita, é imprescindível à história do cinema e para os fãs do gênero.
Uma comédia musical adaptada do clássico conto dos irmãos Grimm, onde um certo dia um lenhados poupa uma árvore especial e a Rainha da Floresta, em sinal de agradecimento concede-lhe uma preciosa dádiva: um filho, uma vez que o casal de lenhadores há muito ansiavam ter mas sem resultados. Esse filho, porém, era tão pequenino tão pequenino que tinha o tamanho de um polegar! O protagonista (Russ Tamlyn, um bailarino que já havia atuado em 'Sete Noivas Para Sete Irmãos' com 24 anos interpreta uma criança. Gorge Pal, com o grande sucesso deste filme, conseguiu realizar a produção considerado o melhor filme de sua carreira: 'A Máquina do Tempo - The Time Machine' (1960), adaptação da obra de H.G. Wells. Agora remasterizado direto do negativo original e dublado em português, O Pequeno Polegar, é uma raridade inédita, é imprescindível à história do cinema e para os fãs do gênero.
A team of American astronauts leave their space station on the first mission to Mars, but the captain's religious beliefs may get in the way.
Quando tinha 19 anos, em 1886, Christopher Leiningen foi determinado o bastante para ir até a América do Sul para construir barragens, no intuito de fazer uma plantação de chocolate perto do rio Negro. Em 1901 Christopher ainda continua no mesmo lugar, está rico, tem 34 anos e nada sabe sobre mulheres. Mesmo assim se casa por procuração com Joana Selby (Eleanor Parker), 25 anos, de Nova Orleans, apesar deles nunca terem se visto. Ela é bonita, independente e chega pronta para ser uma dedicada esposa, mas ninguém contou para Christopher que ela era viúva, em razão disto ele a rejeita. Na semana seguinte ela espera o barco que a levará de volta aos Estados Unidos, então descobrem que um imenso exército de formigas, que destrói tudo no caminho, chegará na plantação em poucos dias. Ela une-se a ele para ajudá-lo a salvar a plantação, sendo que Christopher poderá perder o trabalho de toda uma vida se mandá-la embora.
Os cientistas Clayton Forrester e Sylvia Van Buren são os primeiros a chegar no local onde caiu um meteorito. Logo depois, uma máquina alienígena aparece e começa uma matança aleatória. Fuzileiros navais são enviados para o local, porém as forças de ataque deles não está a altura da força de ataque dos alienígenas.
Bum #1 Listening to Radio (uncredited)
Os cientistas Clayton Forrester e Sylvia Van Buren são os primeiros a chegar no local onde caiu um meteorito. Logo depois, uma máquina alienígena aparece e começa uma matança aleatória. Fuzileiros navais são enviados para o local, porém as forças de ataque deles não está a altura da força de ataque dos alienígenas.
A carreira espetacular, mas tragicamente curta do mágico e ilusionista Harry Houdini, cujos truques desafiam explicações e a segurança.
Cole Henderson (Larry Keating) é um cientista que alerta que um planeta está em um rota de colisão com a Terra. Ninguém crê na história de Henderson, com exceção de Sydney Stanton (John Hoyt), um milionário que financia a construção de uma astronave gigantesca, construída para transportar sobreviventes selecionados da Terra para outro planeta. Logo fica claro que as predições de Cole se tornarão realidade, assim uma loteria mundial é feita para selecionar as pessoas que serão salvas do catástrofe pela astronave de Stanton.
Tenta retratar uma futura primeira viagem tripulada à Lua, sendo financiada por um consórcio privado. As dificuldades variadas que ocorrem e precisam ser superadas. Uma tentativa de ser o mais realista possível, baseado em um romance de Robert A. Heinlein que também trabalhou como consultor do filme.
Shortly before Christmas, a family moves into an apartment where Rupert the squirrel lives in the attic rafters. Just as it seems that the holiday will come and go without so much as a Christmas tree, Rupert acts as the family's guardian angel - not only saving Christmas, but changing their lives forever.
Woody Herman spins a fairy tale about how his Woodchopper Grandpappy Herman chopped the wood necessary to form the clarinet Woody inherited and uses. Grandpappy formed it and put out magical enchanting sounds like the Pied Piper.
Duke Ellington at the piano conducts a group of puppet perfume bottles playing his "Perfume Suite."
In this Puppetoon animated short film (an Academy Award Best Short Subject, Cartoons nominee), Tubby the Tuba is disappointed that his sound limits what he's permitted to do in an orchestra of self-playing instruments that, unlike him, get to play pretty melodies. A chance meeting with a bullfrog changes everything.
In this Puppetoon animated short film (an Academy Award Best Short Subject, Cartoons nominee), Tubby the Tuba is disappointed that his sound limits what he's permitted to do in an orchestra of self-playing instruments that, unlike him, get to play pretty melodies. A chance meeting with a bullfrog changes everything.
This George Pal Puppetoon (production number U6-1) has circus veteran Wilbur the Lion retired and returned to the jungle, where the wild life does not appeal to him, so he sets out to be captured by hunters.The hunters are none too good, so Wilbur has to basically capture the hunters, in order to accomplish his goal of returning to civilization.
George Pal shines a shoes while fairy godmother visits him.
In this entertaining Puppetoon animated short film, a young boy, Jasper, gets trapped inside a pawnshop at midnight. All the musical instruments come to life and play jazz. A whooping wooden Indian chief self-animates as well, and goes on the warpath.
In this entertaining Puppetoon animated short film, a young boy, Jasper, gets trapped inside a pawnshop at midnight. All the musical instruments come to life and play jazz. A whooping wooden Indian chief self-animates as well, and goes on the warpath.
In this Puppetoon animated short film (an Academy Award Best Short Subject, Cartoons nominee), legendary American folklore figure John Henry (voice of Rex Ingram) goes to work for the C&O Railroad, which shortly thereafter buys an automatic steel-driving engine, The Inky-Poo. John Henry matches his strength against the engine, saying that any man can beat a machine because a man has a mind. Can he prevail? In 2015 this film, deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant", was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.
In this Puppetoon animated short film (an Academy Award Best Short Subject, Cartoons nominee), legendary American folklore figure John Henry (voice of Rex Ingram) goes to work for the C&O Railroad, which shortly thereafter buys an automatic steel-driving engine, The Inky-Poo. John Henry matches his strength against the engine, saying that any man can beat a machine because a man has a mind. Can he prevail? In 2015 this film, deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant", was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.
In this Puppetoon animated short film, Judy, an enticing blonde, lives across the way from Punchy and uses all her feminine wiles to try to snare him.
In this Puppetoon animated short film, Judy, an enticing blonde, lives across the way from Punchy and uses all her feminine wiles to try to snare him.
Jasper gets tough with the Scarecrow when the latter tries to steal his yo-yo. The Scarecrow, anxious to have the yo-yo just so Jasper will no longer have the yo-yo, tries a new approach, and tells Jasper the sad story of his poverty-ridden childhood, and he never owned a yo-yo. The more he talks about it, the angrier the Scarecrow becomes, so Jasper runs away, and takes his yo-yo with him.
All-puppet animation tells the story of how oil is formed through ages of geological change, how it is found, extracted and put to use by man.
The Scarecrow and the Crow trick Jasper out of all of his possessions. The Crow reads to the Scarecrow from Jasper's book. The Scarecrow falls asleep and dreams he is on trial for stealing Jasper's property.
The Scarecrow trades Jasper a handful of beans for his harmonica. Jasper plants the beans and climbs up the resulting beanstalk and, at the top, finds a beautiful girl in a golden cage playing a golden harp. Jasper rescues her from the Scarecrow, brings her down the beanstalk, and spends the rest of his days dancing to the music his girlfriend plays on the harp.
A Puppetoon by George Pal.
This one features Jasper talking to the Talking Scarecrow. The Scarecrow then tells Jasper in flashback about his show business days. You see many scenes of dancing watermelon men and other minstrel caricatures.
Jasper recovers a valuable horn, blows a few licks of "Flight of the Bumble Bee" and becomes a star.
In this George Pal Puppetoon short, Rusty dreams of adventure in an old-West setting.
A Puppetoon by George Pal.
1944 animated short film by George Pal, based on the book by Dr. Seuss.
Jasper is hunting in the jungle with his friend the Scarecrow. Along the way, they run into Bugs Bunny, making a rare cameo in a non-Warner Bros. production.
Jasper is hunting in the jungle with his friend the Scarecrow. Along the way, they run into Bugs Bunny, making a rare cameo in a non-Warner Bros. production.
Jasper receives a musical instrument in the mail and plays a few tunes with the scarecrow.
George Pal’s stop motion Puppetoons were peopled with all types of characters. Two of his most popular were a pair of lovestruck kids named Punchy and Judy. Here, down-on-his-luck Punchy obtains a magical straw hat from a plucky talking horse and transforms himself into Aladdin and, with the official permission of DC Comics, Superman. Hoping to impress Judy, Punchy’s delusions of grandeur only land him in jail. The talking horse is a witness at Punchy’s trial and cajoles the judge, arresting Officer Moriarty and members of the jury to test the hat, causing their secret selves to emerge inbound, a hilarious spectacle as their unfettered dreams and desire hold sway.
George Pal’s stop motion Puppetoons were peopled with all types of characters. Two of his most popular were a pair of lovestruck kids named Punchy and Judy. Here, down-on-his-luck Punchy obtains a magical straw hat from a plucky talking horse and transforms himself into Aladdin and, with the official permission of DC Comics, Superman. Hoping to impress Judy, Punchy’s delusions of grandeur only land him in jail. The talking horse is a witness at Punchy’s trial and cajoles the judge, arresting Officer Moriarty and members of the jury to test the hat, causing their secret selves to emerge inbound, a hilarious spectacle as their unfettered dreams and desire hold sway.
A Puppetoon by George Pal.
The Great Maestro gets to conduct more than he can compose himself to. A Puppetoon animated short film.
Jasper and the scarecrow play some piano.
Bartholomew Cubbins has SO MANY HATS. Every time he removes one in the presence of the King, it is replaced magically with another. This enrages the King, who brings him to trial, and to the ultimate sentence.
Jasper and the Haunted House is another George Pal Puppetoon about a black boy and his troubles. This time, the scarecrow switches a sign that leads Jasper to a haunted house instead of a deacon's place where he brings a pie.
Mr. Strauss, with the help of the forest animals, composes his greatest waltz.
In this Puppetoon, a wicked witch guards a sleeping beauty in her cloud castle; but while she's away a violin-playing prince sails up in his sky-ship.
Jasper's desire for a ripe, red watermelon leads him to fabulous Watermelonland where he meets adventures that lessen his desire for watermelon and increases his wish to be back in the security of his Mammy's arms.
In this Puppetoon animated short film (an Academy Award Best Short Subject, Cartoons nominee), a young Dutch couple find their idyllic countryside being overrun by unfeeling, unthinking mechanical men and machines that lay waste to everything in their path. In 1997 this film, deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant," was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.
In this Puppetoon animated short film (an Academy Award Best Short Subject, Cartoons nominee), a young Dutch couple find their idyllic countryside being overrun by unfeeling, unthinking mechanical men and machines that lay waste to everything in their path. In 1997 this film, deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant," was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.
In this Puppetoon animated short film (an Academy Award Best Short Subject, Cartoons nominee), a young Dutch couple find their idyllic countryside being overrun by unfeeling, unthinking mechanical men and machines that lay waste to everything in their path. In 1997 this film, deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant," was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.
In this Puppetoon animated short film (an Academy Award Best Short Subject, Cartoons nominee), a young Dutch couple find their idyllic countryside being overrun by unfeeling, unthinking mechanical men and machines that lay waste to everything in their path. In 1997 this film, deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant," was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry.
A Puppetoon by George Pal.
A toy soldier, distracted by a beautiful ice skater, is derelict in his duty and gets discharged. Later, when the screwball army declares war, he lucks into a chance to redeem himself.
A Puppetoon by George Pal.
Jim Dandy lands on a tropical island and falls in love with a beautiful maiden. Soon a tribe of cannibals kidnap him. A Puppetoon animated short film.
A Puppetoon by George Pal.
A Puppetoon by George Pal.
In this Puppetoon animated short film, a variety of music styles are heard as, in various locations, characters dance or sing.
In this Puppetoon animated short film, a variety of music styles are heard as, in various locations, characters dance or sing.
Director of Photography
Animated cinema advertisement produced for Horlick's by George Pal.
Animated cinema advertisement produced for Horlick's by George Pal.
Puppet animation of Bert Ambrose and His Orchestra performing. A Puppetoon animated short film.
A Puppetoon by George Pal
A Puppetoon by George Pal.
Animated cinema advertisement produced for Horlick's by George Pal.
Director of Photography
Animated cinema advertisement produced for Horlick's by George Pal.
Executive Producer
Animated cinema advertisement produced for Horlick's by George Pal.
Animated cinema advertisement produced for Horlick's by George Pal.
The H.M.S. Hopeless engages in a pirate ship battle and becomes the H.M.S. Hopeful.
A Puppetoon by George Pal
Ether Symphony is a movie that was filmed in 1936 and directed by George Pal. The movie is a Animation and Short.
George Pal animation short of the fable of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp.
Animated puppet film advertising Horlick's malted milk.
A Puppetoon by George Pal
A Puppetoon by George Pal
In this motion picture short meant to advertise Philips radios, George Pal gives full rein to his sensibilities. As we see orchestras, bands and singers animated from Britain to the far steppes of Russia, we get a very silly view of how music is produced.
Centuries ago in the past, the witch, who doesn't like Beauty, puts her to sleep, then flies throughout the castle spreading sleep powder, placing all into slumber. Eventually we flash forward to present time: A young hepcat in a convertible tries awakening Sleeping Beauty, and everyone in the castle, with some Big Band music. Will it work? A Puppetoon animated short film.
Centuries ago in the past, the witch, who doesn't like Beauty, puts her to sleep, then flies throughout the castle spreading sleep powder, placing all into slumber. Eventually we flash forward to present time: A young hepcat in a convertible tries awakening Sleeping Beauty, and everyone in the castle, with some Big Band music. Will it work? A Puppetoon animated short film.
Puppet animation film advertising Philips Radio sets. A ship steers its way to several international radio stations, where characteristic music is heard - France, Vienna, Rome, Hilversum, Beromünster, Munich and Daventry.
A Puppetoon by George Pal.
Commercial for zigarettes with animated sequences made by George Pal.
Short commercial with animated sequences.