Jeong Won-chan


O Closet
Depois que a filha de Sang-Won, Yi-Na, desaparece em sua nova casa, um homem misterioso se aproxima dele e diz para ele procurá-la no armário.
Em 1987, o estudante universitário e membro do movimento pró-democracia Park Jong-chul é preso pela polícia. Ele é então torturado até a morte. A polícia e o governo tentam encobrir o caso de Park Jong-Chul, mas os estudantes de mídia e universitários tentam revelar a verdade.
Venus Talk
Shin Hye, Mi Yeon, and Hae Young are three vivacious women who help each other through the tangles of their romantic lives, from tentative first dates to Viagra-taking husbands and one-night stands. Being 40 proves that they're not past their prime.
An Ethics Lesson
A bad guy, a cruel guy, a lame guy, a cowardly guy and the meanest woman gets involved in a beautiful university student's murder case.
Line Producer
Nos últimos dias da Guerra da Coreia (1950-1953), os exércitos do norte e do sul disputam entre si o controle do Monte Hwabaek. No primeiro conflito armado pós-1945, a irracionalidade da guerra atinge seu auge, arrastando a todos para um universo de loucura coletiva. Um a um, os soldados da Companhia Alligator rendem-se à insanidade. Ali, só há uma certeza: eles já estão todos mortos. A guerra é o inferno de cada um.
No Doubt
Line Producer
A young girl goes missing just as a convicted sex offender moves into town. The girl's father, the inhabitants of the towns and even law enforcement believe he is responsible for the disappearance.
A Little Pond
Line Producer
The Korean war does not start well for the US. They are being routed by the North Koreans and In July 1950, the early stage of the Korean War, at the Jugok Village in the middle of the Korean Peninsula, Chang-yee and his friends grow excited over the amateur singing contest knowing nothing about what is going on around them. At the time, the US Army keeps losing and are pushed back to the village, evacuating all villagers to head south. The villagers took refuge like going on a picnic believing that the US Army is protecting them, they just follow their orders moving south bound.
Bloody Tie
Production Manager
A crystal meth dealer with a tragic past is forced to team up with a renegade cop to take down a powerful crime lord.