

Tango to Romance
Makeup Artist
A romantic story inspired by the raw passion and sex appeal of the tango! Andy San Dimas has the world at her feet until she meets a tall, dark stranger. Captivated by Marco Rivera's exotic accent, charming wit and chiseled body, Andy feels the passion of the dance pulling them closer no matter how hard she resists. Then a shocking betrayal sends Andy racing into his arms where they discover the final secret to the tango together.
Key Makeup Artist
Laura Baxter é uma jovem, literalmente uma "Bela Adormecida", que sofre de um distúrbio chamado "parasômnia". Vítima de um acidente na infância ela na verdade vive seus dias dormindo, acordando raramente e por pouco tempo. Um estudante de artes chamado Danny Sloan se apaixona por ela sem saber que ao lado do quarto do hospital que está sua amada reside um terrível assassino em série chamado Byron Volpe, o qual está prestes a colocar em prática seus planos sanguinários. Sloan ajuda Laura a fugir do hospital mas não imagina que Volpe estará entrando em seus sonhos, despertando os piores pesadelos de sua vida.
She Bangs!
Makeup Artist
When an innocent young female cop goes undercover on a porno set, she gets a crash course on the latest tricks and perversions of sexual performance. It's a different kind of gun play than she learned in the academy, but takes to it like fish to water.
She Bangs!
Make-up Artist
When an innocent young female cop goes undercover on a porno set, she gets a crash course on the latest tricks and perversions of sexual performance. It's a different kind of gun play than she learned in the academy, but takes to it like fish to water.
Makeup Artist
Poor Nelly Bish, all her life she has been pushed around and knocked on the ground. Nelly has never been good enough for anything - until now. Nelly, quite content working as a maid, is busy cleaning when Hollywood comes knockin. Nelly's luck begins to turn when a chance meeting with some of the biggest star makers in Hollywood peg her to be the next big star. No more cleaning up after anyone, from now on people will be cleaning up after Nelly.
Poor Nelly Bish, all her life she has been pushed around and knocked on the ground. Nelly has never been good enough for anything - until now. Nelly, quite content working as a maid, is busy cleaning when Hollywood comes knockin. Nelly's luck begins to turn when a chance meeting with some of the biggest star makers in Hollywood peg her to be the next big star. No more cleaning up after anyone, from now on people will be cleaning up after Nelly.
Makeup Artist
Meet Tammy, Suzie and Velvet. Three co-conspirators in the game we call life. Each one hoping that happiness has come to stay. Never doubting that this time it's the real thing and their lives will never be the same again. Wish them luck, because as you'll soon see, there's a little bit of them in all of us.
Makeup Artist
A detective is called in to investigate a group of female vampires who are preying on men.
The Delegate
Makeup Artist
It's good to know that some people still have faith in the government. In an industry full of corruption and greed a politician takes his prime candidate and stuffs the ballot boxes of rich women. He'll do whatever it takes to get the vote, even if it means screwing every woman in his jurisDICKtion!