Claude Farell

Claude Farell

Nascimento : 1918-05-07,

Morte : 2008-03-17


Claude Farell


Vor Gericht seh'n wir uns wieder - Skurriles aus dem schönen Wien
Hugo, der Weiberschreck
Elvira von Rothenburg
The Zombie Walks
A serial killer who calls himself "The Laughing Corpse" dresses up in a skeleton costume and kills his victims with a poison-filled scorpion-shaped ring.
Ein Tag ohne Morgen
Noémie de Bolènes
Jack and Jenny
Saleswoman Jenny is crazy about the painter Jack. But Jack does not want to marry, even though he loves Jenny passionately. So Jenny looks elsewhere to find the right man. She marries twice, but always ends up back with Jack and gives herself to him with no attachments. Will Jack and Jenny find true love? Of course!
The Secret of the Black Widow
Mrs. Dyke
Someone is killing people related to a South American expedition. The means of murder are poison darts with rubber spiders attached to them. A writer and some police detectives investigate.
Der Strafverteidiger
Cora Simon
Der Hochtourist
Johanna Mylius
About a Cologne sparkling wine manufacturer who is pretending to be passionate about mountaineering in order to be able to devote himself to his real passion, theater.
Die Gejagten
Frau Reichle
Le bois des amants
Le cercle vicieux
A young artist, an occasional gigolo, marries an older woman for her dough; however, he has not broken with his younger lover.
The Versailles Affair
Schwester Bonaventura
Sarat Carn
Lilli, a Girl From the Big City
The frenzied reporter Lilli is just great: She shoots with both hands and lays her opponents with Jiu-Jitsu while the guys fall to the ground with just one look from her! Now she is to attend a missionary convention in Sicily. Nothing special? The apparently routine job develops into a murder case...
Der schräge Otto
Gerti Korty
Os Espiões Também Amam
Inge Hagen
The true story of a German agent sent to the USA in 1944 in order to stop the development of the atomic bomb.
The Three from the Filling Station
Three young men working at a filling station fall in love with the same woman.
Three from the Gasoline Station
Irene von Turoff
Robert, Peter and Fritz are the best of friends ... and hopelessly broke. But they don't let that stop them and in short order, they end up renting a deserted gas station. With just a little bit of wit and some elan, they'll bring the old girl back to life and all will look rosy ... until all three of them fall in love with the same dame: Gabi, the daughter of the director of a large gasoline firm. Thanks to her, their eternal friendship is really going to be put to the test.
Liebe ist ja nur ein Märchen
Angela Brinkmann
Die Nacht ohne Moral
Os Boas-Vidas
Quatro amigos mimados vivem na farra e em busca de mulheres. Quando Fausto engravida a irmã de Moraldo, o avô da criança o obriga a casar, o que faz o rapaz repensar sua forma de levar a vida.
Hello… I love you
Odette Chennevière
Since he met Odette, Pierre thinks only of her. Every day, he calls her saying only "Hello...I love you". Then he manages to get hired in the factory where Odette works...
Palace Hotel
Madame Perrat
The paths of guests and employees cross at the Palace Hotel in St. Moritz: A chambermaid experiences financial difficulties. A guest has been robbed. A thief is caught. An assistant cook is promoted to waiter. And there’s no shortage of love in this small world of the great Hotel Palace. Keeping an orderly eye over proceedings is the hotel’s beautiful patron, whose heart is in the right place.
The Woman's Angle
Delysia Vernova
The organising force of a family of musical prodigies, Robert Mansell is a frustrated composer in seach of one thing personal happiness. This search, however, has landed him in the divorce courts and the judge's summary does not paint him in a favourable light.
White Shadows
An isolated man living in a cottage in the mountains one day discovers a mysterious unconscious woman and takes her in.
Beware of Blondes
Suzanne Wilson
Back from a stay in the Far East, a woman who knew the names of the chiefs of a drug ring is murdered. Georges Masse, the famous reporter, decides to investigate, accompanied by his faithful photographer P'tit Louis. He will come across some unappetizing characters like M. Dubois, a killer, Luigi Costelli, a dangerous trafficker and a beautiful but dubious lady, Suzanne Wilson. After being himself suspected, Masse will make the truth triumph.
Hochzeitsnacht im Paradies
Clarisse Röders
Drame au Vel'd'Hiv'
At the Vélodrome d'Hiver, at the height of the sports competitions, the director of the house is found murdered. We also stole the recipe for the show. A swarm of private detectives, second-hand sleuths, embark on the most diverse tracks. Arrests pile up and the chase continues amid the non-stop games. The culprit will however be caught, red-handed, by a young inspector wearing a handsome mask.
The Secret of Mayerling
La comtesse Marie Larisch
On the morning of January 30, 1889, the Archduke Rodolphe de Habsbourg and his mistress Marie Vetsera were found dead. The remains of Rodolphe are discreetly repatriated to Hofburg, while that of Mary is hastily thrown into the depths of a tomb.
Dedee is a prostitute, working in Monsieur Rene's night club on Antwerp's harbour. The porter is Marco, her pimp. Dedee is not happy, until she meets Francesco, an italian sailorman. They fall in love and Dedee begins to dream about an escape of her daily dullness.
La nuit blanche
A father wants to try by all means to avenge the death of his son, a test pilot, whose responsible is the attractive female star of a Parisian cabaret.
Trafiquants de la mer
A gang of drug pushers is rampant on the French Riviera. The police has been informed and arrests an accomplice who is about to collect the drugs dropped off from a yacht. This person happens to be a public figure of a nearby village...
The Sharks of Gibraltar
In order for important British admiralty papers to pass into the hands of the Germans, the spy Gordon has the ingenious idea of ​​transforming a lamentable drunkard into a Lady, haughty but submissive to his orders. Stella's transformation is complete, the success extraordinary. Why must a French officer touching the heart of the former pochard bring down the fragile edifice? A submarine is about to blow up, Gordon is shot down and a confessed Stella returns to her horrible taverns to drown her sorrows in alcohol for good.
Meine Herren Söhne
Bettina von Wüstenhagen, Erzieherin
Die Schenke zur ewigen Liebe
Este filme alemão pouco conhecido remete à verdadeira história do navio oceânico britânico que encontrou um destino trágico. Ernst Fritz Fürbringer interpreta o presidente da White Star Line, que impensavelmente pressionou o capitão do Titanic (Otto Wernicke) para fazer o cruzamento mais rápido possível para Nova York. Curiosamente, o diretor Herbert Selpin foi preso pela Gestapo durante a produção deste filme (morrendo estranhamente alguns dias depois) e o Ministro da Propaganda nazista, Joseph Goebbels, proibiu sua exibição por suas cenas de pânico e terror. Tirando o fato de que, na noite anterior a sua estreia, o cinema onde o filme seria exibido sofreu um ataque aéreo. Sob as ordens de Selpin, o negativo do filme e as cópias existentes foram escondidos em um galpão secreto. Acreditou-se que o filme estava perdido, até que, em 1949, o negativo foi misteriosamente encontrado.
Lache Bajazzo
Two in a Big City
Gisela Meinhold
A German soldier on leave in Berlin goes looking for his pen pal who he has never met called Gisela. He meets instead a woman with the same name and falls in love with her.
On New Year′s Eve 1871 Annelie is born – 15 minutes too late, since her parents had calculated her birth to be exactly at midnight. These 15 minutes will again and again become the girl′s fate.
Immer nur Du
The two stars of an upcoming operetta performance quarrel constantly. but they also fall in love with each other.
Eine Stunde
Tobis studio short film by Peter Pewas that wasn't intended for theatrical release.
Der Kleinstadtpoet