Tovaris Wilson


Rock of Ages: O Filme
Dancer - Venus Gentleman's Club
Nos anos 80, em Hollywood, Drew é um garoto tímido da cidade e Sherrie uma menina do interior. Os dois buscam realizar seus sonhos de fama rodeados de rock, sexo e descontrole.
A Time for Dancing
Ivan / Company Dancers (Adults)
Their love of dance, and their friendship, is challenged for two high school girls when one is diagnosed with cancer.
Austin Powers: O Agente Bond Cama
Party Dancer #5
Em sua segunda aventura na tela, o super espião britânico Austin Powers retorna a 1969 porque o seu arqui-inimigo Dr. Evil voltou no tempo após ter roubado o mojo de Austin e criado um laser poderoso que está apontado para à Terra. Com a ajuda da bela agente Felicity Shagwell, o recém-solteiro Austin deve agora não só lidar com Dr. Evil, mas também com o maldoso e minúsculo Mini-Me.
Rappin' N' Rhymin'
Here's a sure-fire way to get kids on their feet and moving! It's a fast-paced, high-energy mix of live action, top-of-the-line animation, and the hottest contemporary music going today. when we're not rappin' we're rockin' and through it all, there are irresistible fun moments in which children can improve their skills at counting, rhyming and signing, and even learn to make greater use of their imaginations. Adding to the fun are carton superstars, The Flintstones and Yogi Bear. The final total is a milestone in interactive children's entertainment. Come on, check it out, join the fun of Hanna-Barbera's Rappin' N' Rhymin'.