Barbara Parisi


O Mistério de Hailey Dean: Escolhido pra Morrer
Payroll Accountant
Hailey e Fincher devem achar o verdadeiro assassino de um criminoso recentemente libertado em regime condicional quando a promotora e amiga de Hailey, Paulina D'Orazio, é acusada do crime. Hailey sabe que Paulina é inocente, mas deve reunir rapidamente as provas para demonstrá-lo se quiser inocentar sua amiga e evitar um julgamento que poderia arruinar sua carreira.
O Mistério de Hailey Dean: Prescrição Para Matar
Payroll Accountant
A psicóloga e ex-promotora Hailey Dean ajuda seu amigo, o detetive Garland Fincher, a investigar uma série de assassinatos no Hospital Memorial de Atlanta. A namorada de Fincher, Dra. Meghan Phillips, é apontada como suspeita no primeiro crime.
O Mistério de Hailey Dean: Encontro Mortal
Payroll Accountant
Advogada e terapeuta, Hailey Dean, é atraída para outra investigação quando um novo aplicativo popular de namoro liga vários casos de pessoas desaparecidas em toda a cidade. Reunindo-se com sua antiga equipe, Hailey descobre os perigos em potencial da interação on-line e deve rastrear um assassino antes que alguém se machuque.
Descobrindo Sr. Darcy
Payroll Accountant
Atrás de uma direção na vida, Elizabeth tem a oportunidade de mostrar seu cachorro num extravagante evento para cães em New York. O juiz, Donovan Darcy, se demonstra aristocrático e rude, e uma cadeia de mal-entendidos se desenrolam durante a competição, o que complica sua atração pelo o outro. Baseado no livro de Teri Wilson.
Lucky in Love
Assistant Accountant
When Mira's April Fool's Day tricks materialize, she finds herself promoted to the perfect job, dating the perfect man and living in the perfect home. Mira's newly upgraded life even involves working with her CEO and her good friend, on a coveted work project. When these seemingly positive changes result in big challenges, Mira realizes that the pursuit of perfection is a fool's errand. In order to achieve a life that's perfect for her, Mira must let go of perfection and chase what brings her true happiness.
The Philadelphia Experiment
First Assistant Accountant
A secret government research project tries reviving the World War II "Philadelphia Experiment," which was an attempt to create a cloaking device to render warships invisible. When the experiment succeeds, it brings back the original ship (the Eldridge) that disappeared during the first test in 1943 - which brings death and destruction to the 21st century. It's up to the sole survivor of the first experiment and his granddaughter to stop it.
How the Fiddle Flows
Production Assistant
How the Fiddle Flows follows Canada's great rivers west along the fur-trading route of the early Europeans. The newcomers introduced the fiddle to the Aboriginal people they intermarried with along the way. A generation later, their mixed-blood offspring would blend European folk tunes with First Nations rhythms to create a rich and distinct musical tradition. From the Gaspé Peninsula, north to Hudson Bay and to the Prairies, How the Fiddle Flows reveals how a distinctive Metis identity and culture were shaped over time. Featuring soaring performances by some of Canada's best known fiddlers and step dancers and narrated by award-winning actress Tantoo Cardinal.