Set in South Africa's rural Great-Karoo region in the 1950s, this epic existential-adventure film chronicles the exploits of the outlaw John Kepe and the various individuals his escapades affected. This Robin-Hoodesque figure would steal primarily livestock from the white settler farmers, terrorizing them for over a decade. Led by the hardliner General Botha, a mammoth manhunt ensues in the very mountain where Kepe was rumored to occupy a Noah's Ark like cave. This spectacle ingratiated Kepe in the hearts of the marginalized indigenous-population, who turn Kepe's miscreant deeds into the stuff of legend, making him a threat to the very fabric of the colonial society. Sew the Winter to my Skin is a thrilling, operatic ride into the heart of Pre-Apartheid South Africa and is a visceral exploration of the effects of the colonial displacement that sewed the seeds for one of the most viciously racist, political regimes in history.
Na América de 1870, um pacífico colono americano mata o culpado por assassinar sua família, o que desperta a fúria do líder de uma famosa gangue local. Os covardes moradores da cidade traem sua confiança e delatam sua localização e plano para o bandido. Sozinho, ele é forçado a caçar a gangue com as próprias mãos.
Roelof du Toit
Walter du Toit is the secret agent known "Agent 2000". He is hired to find the bully terrorizing the school, known only as the Laksman (The Executioner). Before he unmask his foe he finds friendship and the girl of his dreams.
Basson tem cinco dias para chegar ao funeral de seu pai, em Cape Town, mas precisa executar certas tarefas nesta viagem, antes de chamar a empresa familiar de sua. Na estrada, ele encontra uma menina boêmia de espírito livre, Amory. Viajando através de paisagens de tirar o fôlego da África do Sul, eles encontram personagens maravilhosos que permitem momentos hilários e experiências diversas.
A guerra é declarada e a Grã-Bretanha deve tomar medidas contra a Alemanha nazista se a Europa for salva de suas garras implacáveis. Determinado a vencer o inimigo Flt. O escritório Earl Kirk, um jovem piloto sul-africano, oferece seus serviços à Royal Air Force, sacrificando sua família, seu futuro e ele próprio na luta contra o mal. Enquanto em combate, cercado por bombardeiros e sob ataque implacável, Kirk deve tomar a decisão que poderia mudar sua vida e a de sua tripulação para sempre.
Clinic Doctor
Mia Moolman works for a Sandton-based event coordination company that has been commissioned by the department of Trade and Industry to create an event celebrating the most successful ad campaigns in South African history. The gala event will happen at Emperors Palace, and the CEO of the company, Theodore, has asked his employees to pitch ideas for the show and whoever comes up with the best idea will be awarded a promotion and a special bonus. Mia comes up with the idea to make the three guys from the old Castrol commercials, Boet, Swaer and Mogae, part of the show. Her boss eventually agrees to this, but Mia must go and find them in the Kalahari and bring them to Emperors Palace in time for the big gala event. Will she get them to the big show in time?
Danny Boy
The plot follows the individual journeys of three ordinary South African men in the build up to their attendance of the 2010 Mighty Men Conference, where their lives are forever changed by God's message for them.
Handsome young vampire Billy (Andre Frauenstein) seems to have finally found his true love in Jenny Shapiro (Rikki Brest), a beautiful young woman he meets at a nightclub. Despite efforts by those around them to keep the two apart, including Billy's past love Lisa (Christina Storm), they appear to be destined for one another. Their happiness is suddenly cut short when a scientist researching a treatment for HIV/AIDS accidentally discovers a serum that will allow vampires to walk in the daylight with humans. This leads to an all-out war between vampires; those who are against the serum and those who would use it to leave the shadows of night, including vicious upstart vampire Borlak (David James) who will stop at nothing to obtain it. Billy and police detective Joe Kau must now work together to protect Jenny and her family, and to keep this discovery from those who would use it against all of humanity
Koobus Venter
Há vinte anos, uma nave extraterrestre apareceu sobre a Terra. Os Humanos esperavam um ataque hostil ou observar grandes avanços tecnológicos. Em vez disso, encontraram um grupo de não-humanos refugiados, possivelmente os últimos sobreviventes da sua espécie. Enquanto as Nações de todo o Mundo discutiam sobre o que fazer com eles, as criaturas foram relegados para um gueto - Distrito 9. A Multi-National United (MNU), uma empresa de segurança privada, e também a maior fabricante de armas do Mundo foi contratada para supervisionar os visitantes. O verdadeiro objectivo da MNU é descobrir o segredo para a activação das armas mais poderosas, que requerem o DNA dos não-humanos. O clima de tensão entre os não-humanos e os humanos surge quando um agente de campo da MNU, Wikus van der Merwe, contrai um vírus misterioso que começa a converter o seu próprio DNA.