Mona Tellström-Berg


Special Effects Makeup Artist
Uma nave espacial que transporta colonos para Marte sofre um acidente e sai de percurso, seus passageiros obcecados por consumo se veem obrigados a refletir sobre seu lugar no universo.
Na Presença de um Palhaço
Nos anos 20 em Uppsala na Suécia o inventor Carl Akerblom, obcecado admirador de Schubert, recebe alta do hospital, onde foi paciente psiquiátrico depois de ter tentado matar a sua namorada, e decide fazer um filme revolucionário. Um filme com som ao vivo, ou seja, com atores dando voz às personagens durante a projeção, sobre os últimos anos de vida de Schubert e de sua suposta relação amorosa com uma jovem condessa. A projeção corre de forma desastrosa e são os atores que acabam por salvar a situação lendo o texto à luz das velas.
The Last Gasp
Makeup Artist
A fictional meeting at the headquarter of the Swedish Film Industry between the former director Georg af Klercker and the business man behind SF (Svensk film): Director Charles Magnusson. A drunk and bitter Klercker baffles on about old movies, shared memories from their time together in Lidingö. Can he get a chance to make a new movie?
Bert - Känsliga kyssar
Makeup Artist
Bert - Berts Piniga Pubertet
Makeup Artist
Bert - Berts Röjiga Rockliv
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Rebekka West lives with widower Johannes Rosmer in his mansion since his wife, and her friend, committed suicide a year ago. When Rosmer supports the new government his friend starts to spread rumours about him and Rebekka's relationship, implying that they caused his wife's suicide.
Makeup & Hair
The women of Athens plotting to end the war with Sparta by refusing to have sex until there is peace.
Räkan från Maxim
Makeup Artist
A comedy by Hans Alfredson.
Under ditt parasoll
Makeup Artist
Music film with the band Sven-Ingvars. The band plays travelling musicians from 19th century Värmland, who are commissioned to save an earl's daughter, who has been kidnapped by an evil and music-hating officer. The band travels to USA and the dangerous town of Desperado City. Here they meet Indians and bandits, look for gold and take part in a bar brawl.