Johannes Waltermann


Director of Photography
Human Flow: Não Existe Lar Se Não Há Para Onde Ir
Director of Photography
Filmado em 23 países ao longo de mais de um ano, o documentário Human Flow narra a enorme amplitude da crise global dos refugiados. O diretor chinês Ai Weiwei captura a condição das mais de 65 milhões de pessoas deslocadas atualmente que fugiram de suas casas em busca de novas vidas.
Am Kölnberg
The tower block area "Am Kölnberg" has a bad reputation. People who - for any number of reasons - ended up on the edge of society, live here alongside refugee families and immigrants from all over the world. Unemployment, drug abuse and prostitution are part of everyday life for many of them. The film accompanies 4 people over a period of two years and portrays their life at "Kölnberg" with ups and downs. One thing they all have in common: The dream of leading a fulfilled life, far away from "Kölnberg".