The film Announcements paints the portraits of seven women reflecting on the same theme. Their starting point is the announcement to Hagar, Sarah and Mary as in the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran. Their thoughts spread out and weave a new web, drawing strands from their associations and interpretations of these texts. And by talking about their own history, their personal myths, they work up to subjects such as the birth of image in the Christian world or that of poetry in ancient Greece. Announcements is a film about the movement of thought, the power of words, the secret of the voice, and the seduction of the image.
When police is about to apprehend a famous gang of bank robbers, an elite sniper opens fire from a roof, thus facilitating the flee of his accomplices. However, one of them is seriously injured, which compromises the plans of the thieves.
Hsaio-Kong é um cineasta de Taiwan, que começa a rodar seu próximo filme, uma visão da mítica Salomé, na França. No set ele começa a lidar com uma série de imprevistos, que se tornam insignificantes ao saber que sua mãe morreu.
Sound Mixer
Chad, 2006. After a forty-year civil war, the radio announces the government has just amnestied the war criminals. Outraged by the news, Gumar Abatcha orders his grandson Atim, a sixteen-year-old youth, to trace the man who killed his father and to execute him. Atim obeys him and, armed with his father's own gun, he goes in search of Nassara, the man who made him an orphan. It does not take long before he finds him. Nassara, who now goes straight, is married, goes to the mosque and owns a small bakery. After some hesitation Atim offers him his services as an apprentice. He is hired then it will be easy for him to gun down the murderer of his father. At least, that is what he thinks...
Madrugada. Uma padaria no Porto. No meio dos adultos, alguns miúdos fazem pão. Um deles trabalha com uma máquina. Um grito de dor lança a confusão. Maldizendo a sorte, o patrão transporta a criança ferida ao hospital. Jaime acompanha-os. Carrega na mão um saco de gelo com os dedos decepados do amigo. A violência da cena não perturba o sangue frio do patrão que despede Jaime para evitar problemas com a Inspecção do Trabalho. Este é o ponto de partida da aventura de Jaime, um miúdo de 13 anos que trabalha de noite às escondidas dos pais, convencido de que o dinheiro lhe permitirá comprar a felicidade perdida. Jaime não aceita que os pais estejam separados e tudo fará para os juntar de novo.
Sound Mixer
Two young men have left their obscure Balkan country to earn some money as "guest workers" in western Europe. On their way back home, they attempt to change trains in Paris but encounter surprising difficulties from the ticket authorities there. It seems that political changes have rendered their homeland nonexistent, and their passports are no good. Before long, they are stranded in Paris without passports, without a country, and soon even their luggage is stolen. Their fumbling efforts to straighten out the mess result in the French press getting into the act, labeling them as Russian spies. The Parisian expatriate community takes them into its bosom, and romance blooms between one of the lads and a Spanish hatmaker, before they finally achieve a (highly improbable) solution for their difficulties.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
In the 1890s, Father Adolf Daens goes to Aalst, a textile town where child labor is rife, pay and working conditions are horrible, the poor have no vote, and the Catholic church backs the petite bourgeoisie in oppressing workers. He writes a few columns for the Catholic paper, and soon workers are listening and the powerful are in an uproar. He's expelled from the Catholic party, so he starts the Christian Democrats and is elected to Parliament. After Rome disciplines him, he must choose between two callings, as priest and as champion of workers. In subplots, a courageous young woman falls in love with a socialist and survives a shop foreman's rape; children die; prelates play billiards.
Mixing Engineer
A short film using parts of the storyboard drawings for Fritz Lang's Man Hunt given to the French Cinémathèque to recreate a scene to showcase a part of the directors' creative process.