Boom Operator
One Christmas, a knight garbed all in green appears in King Arthur's Court and challenges any knight to hew off his head on the proviso that he be allowed to return the axe stroke afterwards. All of King Arthur's other knights being frightened, Sir Gawain takes up the challenge and hacks off the green knight's head. The green knight then gives Gawain a year to find his home and live a little before the cut is returned.
Boom Operator
O gângster Albert Spica (Michael Gambon) janta todas as noites no restaurante Le Hollandais em companhia de seus capangas e sua esposa Georgina (Helen Mirren). Cansada dos modos violentos e grosseiros do marido, Georgina flerta com um solitário Michael (Alan Howard). Com a cumplicidade do chefe de cozinha Richard (Richard Bohronger), os dois amantes fazem sexo às escondidas no banheiro e na despensa do restaurante, enquanto Albert devora prato após prato em sua mesa. Quando Albert descobre a traição da esposa, desfecha uma cruel vingança contra Michael, que por sua vez será vingado por Georgina.
Sound Assistant
A Boy Scout troupe led by their scoutmaster (Sykes) is on a field trip to a seemingly-peaceful English woodland. However, the woods are actually teeming with strange characters, some of whom turn out to be disguised police officers and others criminals. The police are searching for £2,000,000 in stolen banknotes and hope that the criminals will lead them to them. The criminals, on the other hand, are aware that the police are looking for them and doing their best to avoid betraying the location of their stash.
Boom Operator
Continuação da saga "Os Três Mosqueteiros", que agora são quatro! Depois de recuperar as jóias da Rainha, D’Artagnan (Michael York) tornou-se um mosqueteiro. Os protestantes ocupam La Rochelle e a Rainha (Geraldine Chaplin) está apaixonada pelo Duke de Buckingham (Simon Ward), que logo enviará navios de apoio aos rebeldes. O Cardeal Richelieu (Charlton Heston) recruta Rochefort (Christopher Lee) para sequestrar Constance (Raquel Welch), mensageira secreta da Rainha e amor de D´Artagnan. E para distrair o mosqueteiro, o Cardeal convoca a esperta e amoral Milady de Winter (Faye Dunaway). Mas logo, eles se tornam arque inimigos. Milady vai à Inglaterra para liquidar Buckingham e destronar a Rainha Anne, enquanto os quatro Mosqueteiros lutam contra os rebeldes. Conseguirá D´Artagnan salvar Constance, defender Rochefort, escapar da ira de Winter e se manter livre do Cardeal? Um por todos e todos por um!
Boom Operator
A terrorist demands a huge ransom in exchange for information on how to disarm the seven bombs he has planted aboard a trans-Atlantic cruise ship.
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Adaptação da obra de Alexandre Dumas, em que o jovem D’Artagnan se une aos mosqueteiros Athos, Portohos e Aramis contra o Cardeal Richelieu, que deseja expandir seus poderes, e seu braço direito, Rochefort.
Boom Operator
This historical drama is an account of the early life of British politician Winston Churchill, including his childhood years, his time as a war correspondent in Africa, and culminating with his first election to Parliament.
Boom Operator
Satire about the First World War based on a stage musical of the same name, portraying the "Game of War" and focusing mainly on the members of one family (last name Smith) who go off to war. Much of the action in the movie revolves around the words of the marching songs of the soldiers, and many scenes portray some of the more famous (and infamous) incidents of the war, including the assassination of Duke Ferdinand, the Christmas meeting between British and German soldiers in no-mans-land, and the wiping out by their own side of a force of Irish soldiers newly arrived at the front, after successfully capturing a ridge that had been contested for some time.
Boom Operator
Depois que o exército egípcio, comandada por oficiais britânicos, é destruído em uma batalha no Sudão em 1880, o governo britânico está em um dilema. Ele não querem enviar uma força militar britânica para uma guerra estrangeira, mas eles têm o compromisso de proteger os egípcios em Cartum. Eles decidem pedir o general Charles "Chinês" Gordon, que era uma espécie de herói popular no Sudão por ter acabado com o comércio de escravos na área, para providenciar a evacuação. Gordon concorda, mas também decide defender a cidade contra as forças do Mahdi - O Esperado - e tenta forçar os britânicos a enviar tropas.
Boom Operator
General Othello's marriage is destroyed when vengeful Ensign Iago convinces him that his new wife has been unfaithful.
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A woman abandons her husband, changes her name, and remarries again. Complications ensue.
Boom Operator
When a ransom bid results in the death of a child, the police have only one lead – the old lady who witnessed the kidnapper using a public phone box. Though her recollection is vague, she volunteers to act as bait for the killer – telling the press that she had seen the kidnapper's face and she waits for him to attack.
Sound Assistant
In the early 20th century a village experienced a series of inexplicable murders. All the victims were young men who had been turned to stone. The perpetrator of these deaths was a being so repulsive that she transformed the onlooker using the power of her deadly stare. Much of the time the creature took the form of a beautiful and seductive woman, but during periods of the full moon she becomes a living horror, vicious and deadly. A professor has come to investigate the deaths, bringing with him his beautiful assistant whose knowledge of the Gorgon is more intimate than anyone would ever realise.
Boom Operator
Once hounded from his castle by outraged villagers for creating a monstrous living being, Baron Frankenstein returns to Karlstaad. High in the mountains they stumble on the body of the creature, perfectly preserved in the ice. He is brought back to life with the help of the hypnotist Zoltan who now controls the creature. Can Frankenstein break Zoltan's hypnotic spell that incites the monster to commit these horrific murders or will Zoltan induce the creature to destroy its creator?
Boom Operator
O preguiçoso e irresponsável Billy Fisher trabalha como assistente em uma funerária no norte da Inglaterra. Seus devaneios constantes e histórias desprovidas de verdade são a causa das más decisões que afastam seus amigos e familiares, que o apelidam de “Billy Mentiroso.”
Boom Operator
Billy Budd (Terence Stamp) é um marinheiro inocente e ingênuo da Marinha Britânica em 1797. Quando o sádico mestre de armas do navio é assassinado, Billy é acusado e julgado. O H.M.S. Vingador está indo para a batalha contra a frota francesa durante as Guerras Napoleônicas, e a sombra escura de dois recentes motins na frota inglesa preocupa o capitão Vere (Sir Peter Ustinov). Ele confia em seu cruel e muitas vezes sádico mestre de armas John Claggert (Robert Ryan) para manter o que ele acredita ser ordem e disciplina a bordo do navio. Quando um novo marinheiro, Billy Budd (Terence Stamp), é pressionado a prestar serviço, sua atitude inocente e feliz rapidamente conquista seus companheiros e os oficiais. No entanto, isso parece incomodar Claggert, que fica ressentido, especialmente após a promoção de Billy ao posto de Capitão do Cesto de Gávea. Então Claggert planeja injustamente denunciá-lo e, por fim, mente quando acusa Billy de conspirar com motim. (e 10 - Estimado 10 Anos)
Boom Operator
A rebellious youth sentenced to a reformatory for robbing a bakery rises through the ranks of the institution through his prowess as a long distance runner. During his solitary runs, reveries of his life and times before his incarceration lead him to re-evaluate his privileged status as a prized athlete.
Boom Operator
A emocionante história de uma jovem que tem uma mãe relapsa. Apaixona-se por um marinheiro negro, mas ele a deixa por conta do trabalho. Grávida e sem apoio, encontra seu porto seguro na amizade com garoto gay que estará ao lado dela nas horas mais difíceis.
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Fred, Tim and Deirdre plan a fun weekend break on the coast. What they didn't make allowances for was the company of Deirdre's mother who insists on coming along as her daughter's chaperone.
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During World War II, a group of British soldiers are captured by the Japanese, tortured and their hands are cut off. Years later, a mad killer terrorizes London by cutting off the hands of his victims.
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Accident-prone Fingers runs a pretty unsuccessful gang. They try and rob wealthy but tricky Billy Gordon - who distrusts banks and fears the Inland Revenue - but he sees Fingers and the boys off. So they decide to kidnap his daughter, only to end up with his wife Lucy. Gordon makes out he couldn't be more pleased, spuring Lucy to take charge of the hopeless bunch of villains.
Boom Operator
Set in Haven Hospital where a certain men's ward is causing more havoc than the whole hospital put together. The formidable Matron's debut gives the patients a chill every time she walks past, with only Reckitt standing up to her. There's a colonel who is a constant nuisance, a bumbling nurse, a romance between Ted York and Nurse Denton, and Bell who wants his bunion removed straight away, so after drinking alcohol, the men decide to remove the bunion themselves!
Boom Operator
A neglected girl (June Archer) in post-World War II London befriends street urchins who help her build a tiny garden in a bombed-out church.