Ran, a seventeen year old teenager lies to his parents and leaves home for pointless wandering. He is thrown within his childhood realm, witnessing his world undermined by a secret just discovered about his father's homosexuality.
Donna and Jane are two American hippies, searching for sex and romance in Paris but, mainly, rich husbands. Eventually, Donna finds a perfume industrialist, Michael, who wishes to marry her, providing she will accept sharing his special friendship with local gigolo Max. Drama ensues as Michael changes his mind when meeting Jane, but all is well that ends well.
John Carpenter (Elvis) é um médico de um bairro pobre que conhece três moças dispostas a ajuda-lo. Michele, Barbara e Irene. Sem saber que são freiras, John se apaixona por Michele. Pode ele mudar sua vida? Pode ela esquecer seus votos e seguir seu coração? Será o amor mais forte que a fé ? Ultimo filme com a atuação do Rei do Rock. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)