James Swanton

James Swanton


James Swanton


Lot No. 249
The Mummy
Follows a group of Oxford students, one of whom undertakes research into the secrets of Ancient Egypt and becomes the talk of the college. Can these experiments breathe life to the horrifying bag of bones that is the Lot. No 249?
Stop Dead
The Still Man
When a workaholic city police officer and her laid-back partner try to stop a dishevelled girl staggering down the middle of a country road, they discover she’s being stalked by some unseen entity with a horrifying ultimatum: you stop moving, you die.
Walking Against the Rain
The Forsaken
Two strangers, Blair and Tommy, are navigating their way across a barren landscape in a desperate attempt to find each other. With their only form of communication being two soon-to-die battery operated radio mics and with a new evil in the shape of 'The Forsaken' tracking them down, they must learn to confront loss and rediscover a trust in humanity.
The Haunting of the Tower of London
Quando os restos mortais de dois príncipes assassinados são descobertos na Torre de Londres, um padre perturbado deve deixar suas crenças de lado para fazer amizade com um prisioneiro misterioso, que tem poderes sobrenaturais para se comunicar com os mortos. Juntos, eles devem resolver o mistério de quem assassinou os príncipes, enquanto os prisioneiros na masmorra do castelo encontram seus destinos sangrentos nas mãos dos fantasmas dos príncipes, que continuam a assombrar o castelo em busca de vingança.
The Parasite
At the start of the pandemic, an indulgent and self-deluded livestreaming improv musician abandons L.A. for London, steals her ex-bandmate's car, and makes the fateful decision to give a ride to an elderly woman who is not what she seems.
Jack: A Caixa Maldita 2
Quando uma mulher moribunda abre uma antiga caixa misteriosa, ela entra em um acordo com o demônio dentro dela que curaria sua doença em troca de ajudá-lo a reclamar seis vítimas inocentes.
O Castelo do Lobisomem
Após uma série de assassinatos e desaparecimentos na região, Horrace, Jane e o meio-lobisomem Archie são encarregados pelos problemáticos moradores locais de investigar acontecimentos estranhos em um castelo gótico próximo. Aventurando-se no castelo durante a noite, com um pequeno grupo de voluntários corajosos, eles logo descobrem uma horda de criaturas de outro mundo e uma batalha logo começa!
Irving Undead
Henry Irving
Henry Irving is dead. Join Irving’s restless spirit as he tells the story of how he transformed himself from a stuttering, spindly country boy into the most formidable actor of the nineteenth century. It is a story of a man who petrified London with his Gothic portrayals of mad monarchs, guilt-stricken murderers and the devil himself. A story of a man who could never escape his monsters – even in death. A filmed version of the live one-man stage play by James Swanton.
Irving Undead
Henry Irving is dead. Join Irving’s restless spirit as he tells the story of how he transformed himself from a stuttering, spindly country boy into the most formidable actor of the nineteenth century. It is a story of a man who petrified London with his Gothic portrayals of mad monarchs, guilt-stricken murderers and the devil himself. A story of a man who could never escape his monsters – even in death. A filmed version of the live one-man stage play by James Swanton.
Irving Undead
Henry Irving is dead. Join Irving’s restless spirit as he tells the story of how he transformed himself from a stuttering, spindly country boy into the most formidable actor of the nineteenth century. It is a story of a man who petrified London with his Gothic portrayals of mad monarchs, guilt-stricken murderers and the devil himself. A story of a man who could never escape his monsters – even in death. A filmed version of the live one-man stage play by James Swanton.
Transmissões Sinistras
Sal-E Sparx
No final dos anos 90, um arquivista de vídeo desenterra uma série de transmissões sinistras de piratas e fica obcecado em descobrir a conspiração sombria por trás delas.
O Ritual: Presença Maligna
Marianne, seu marido Lionel e sua filha Adelaide se mudam para uma cidade no interior da Inglaterra, onde Lionel foi nomeado o novo reverendo. Logo que chegam em sua nova casa, Marianne percebe que estranhos e assustadores eventos começam a acontecer, levantando as suspeitas de que as pessoas da cidade escondem um segredo terrível. Com a ajuda de um famoso ocultista, o casal vai testar toda a sua fé, buscando descobrir a aterrorizante verdade sobre a presença maligna que habita sua casa e deseja possuir sua filha Adelaide.
The Thing That Ate the Birds
The Thing That Ate the Birds
On the North Yorkshire Moors, Abel, Head Gamekeeper, discovers the thing that is eating his grouse.
Cuidado com Quem Chama
The Spirit
Seis amigos contratam um médium para realizar uma sessão espírita via Zoom durante o bloqueio - mas eles recebem muito mais do que esperavam, pois as coisas rapidamente dão errado. Quando um espírito maligno começa a invadir suas casas, eles começam a perceber que podem não sobreviver à noite.
A Werewolf in England
In Victorian-Era England, a Parish Councillor and criminal take refuge from a storm, at a remote countryside Inn. Forced to stay the night, they soon uncover a deadly pact between the strange Innkeepers and the flesh-hungry werewolves that inhabit the surrounding woodlands... now, as the werewolves close in, the guests must band together and fight tooth and nail to survive the night!
Vampire Virus
A young woman contracts a deadly virus after an unusual sexual encounter, and soon develops a taste for human blood.
A Little More Flesh
Stanley Durall
Stanley Durall, the notorious director of a series of intense erotic dramas, is returning to his debut movie, God’s Lonely Woman, to provide an audio commentary for the film’s first Blu-ray release since it was banned in the 1970s. It’s clear from his commentary that Stanley committed a series of transgressions against his lead actresses during production, transgressions which had serious consequences for everyone involved – everyone except him. But will he finally be punished for his past behaviour?
Black Mass
The story of a bereaved family, a father and his two adopted daughters, as they try to come to terms with the loss of their mother, all while haunted by a demonic presence known as Darkness.
Frankenstein's Creature
Imagine if David Lynch made plays instead of films, that's FRANKENSTEIN’S CREATURE. You've never seen anything like it.
Frankenstein's Creature
The Creature
Imagine if David Lynch made plays instead of films, that's FRANKENSTEIN’S CREATURE. You've never seen anything like it.
Each night a mother must defend her sickly daughter from a demonic force. Her only weapon — a circle of SALT.
Double Date
Meet innocent Jim, terrified of girls, and on a reluctant quest to prove his manhood the night before he turns 30. He and his cocky friend Alex think they’ve hit the jackpot when they meet the beautiful siblings Kitty and Lulu, who seem up for anything on a wild party-fuelled night. But little do they know that the femmes fatales want to make Jim lose much more than just his virginity… Getting laid has never been so bloody difficult.
Jedrek / Demon
A horror film set in an abandoned underground World War Two hospital on the isle of Guernsey.