Axel Kiener

Axel Kiener


Axel Kiener


The Hood
Captain Power si the superhero star at Global Electric. It only takes a mistake to lose what he thinks is most important in his life. How will our superhero cushion his fall?
A recently widowed painter Augustin Boisvert, and his two daughters, Camille and Meline, inherit a mysterious house. At their first visit, they are forced to stay in the house for the night even though the old guardian, as well as the phantasmagorical paintings covering the walls, scare Camille and Meline. Augustin watches over his sleeping daughters and draws the face of Camille before falling asleep. The next morning, Camille has disappeared, as well as the drawing. A beautiful young woman then appears.
Augustin Boisvert
A recently widowed painter Augustin Boisvert, and his two daughters, Camille and Meline, inherit a mysterious house. At their first visit, they are forced to stay in the house for the night even though the old guardian, as well as the phantasmagorical paintings covering the walls, scare Camille and Meline. Augustin watches over his sleeping daughters and draws the face of Camille before falling asleep. The next morning, Camille has disappeared, as well as the drawing. A beautiful young woman then appears.
Aïcha : Vacances infernales
Paris Under Watch
Voix Anonymous26 (voice)
An anonymous hacker has hacked all of Paris' cameras and observes the city unbeknownst to its inhabitants. Petty crimes and moments of stolen intimacy, he sees everything. Until the day that an explosion lays waste to the Gare d'Austerlitz. The police starts tracking down an Al Queda satellite group. The hacker succeeds in finding images of the explosion and discovers that it was a young couple who planted the bomb. Using the city's cameras, he decides to hunt down the criminals.
Vila das Sombras
Lucas Frantz
Um grupo de amigos viajam para a aldeia de Riuflec em dois carros diferentes. Quando estão prestes a chegar, todos os passageiros de um dos carros desaparecem. Os outros chegam à aldeia onde não há nada e começam a procurar por seus amigos…
Written and directed Joel and Ethan Coen (Fargo, The Big Lebowski), the Paris set Tuileries is an example from the section of short films by famous directors. Tuileries was commissioned alongside True and a host of other short films by the French capital for its Paris, Je T'Aime (Paris, I Love You) anthology. Steve Buscemi is a tourist in the eponymous metro station, which is located near The Louvre. He mistakenly catches eyes with a woman on the opposite platform - an action that causes her boyfriend some considerable annoyance.
Le gardien
Paris, Te Amo
Axel (Tuileries)
Em Paris, o amor está por todos os lugares. Está nos bares, nos cafés, na Torre Eiffeil, até no metrô que circula abaixo de suas ruas. Paris, Te Amo é uma declaração à Cidade Luz através dos olhos de alguns dos maiores diretores do mundo incluindo Walter Salles ,os Irmãos Coen, Alfonso Cuarón, Wes Craven. Cada um retrata, de um jeito ou de outro, a alegria, a separação, os encontros inesperados e acima de tudo o amor.
Os Cavaleiros do Ar
O Mirage 2000, avião de caça de última geração, afasta-se misteriosamente durante uma exibição. Os pilotos Antoine "Walk'n" Marchelli (Benoît Magimel) e Sébastien "Fahrenheit" Vallois (Clovis Cornillac), que estão treinando na região, são designados a localizar o caça e escoltá-lo de volta à base militar. O incidente dá início a um complexo jogo de intrigas e espionagem internacional.