Sergey Goroshko

Sergey Goroshko


Sergey Goroshko
Sergey Goroshko


Grom: Problem Childhood
Sergey Razumovskiy
St. Petersburg, nineties. Police Major Konstantin Grom is trying to find and neutralize the new boss of the criminal world, nicknamed Anubis, while his ten-year-old son Igor is trying to earn money by getting involved in dubious adventures
Major Grom: Plague Doctor. Behind the Scenes
Additional materials for "Major Grom: Plague Doctor" (2021).
Mayan Calendar
A story about the fantastic adventures of modern teenagers, whose life, through the fault of one of them, begins to move in the opposite direction. They will not only have to relive the past days, but also experience events that will later change the lives of their loved ones and themselves. Only the act of the protagonist can turn off the mysterious mechanism that determines the course of time.
Aeterna: Part One
The legitimate heir to the throne in exile and the son of a murdered rebel — what do they have in common? Everyone has their own goal: one dreams of taking the throne and restoring his family to its former glory, the other - to take revenge on the murderer of his father, who serves the usurpers. Young men enter into a large-scale struggle for power and honor, in which those who seemed to be friends can betray, and former enemies can turn into allies. In order to achieve the goal, both the prince and the rebel's son will have to risk the most valuable and make the main choice in their lives — to go the preordained way or to oppose fate itself.
Major Grom Contra o Dr. Peste
Sergey Razumovsky
Um assassino mascarado aterroriza a cidade. Agora um detetive rebelde e seu parceiro novato são os únicos que podem resolver o problema.
My Twenty-Something Troubles
the bartender
Union of Salvation
Um grupo de oficiais da Guarda Imperial Russa prepara uma revolta em dezembro de 1825, quando cerca de 3.000 oficiais e soldados se recusam a jurar lealdade ao novo czar.
Abigail e a Cidade Proibida
Uma cidade teve suas fronteiras fechadas após uma epidemia tomar conta de grande parte do local. Lá, vive uma jovem chamada Abigail (Tinatin Dalakishvili), que, ainda criança, teve seu pai levado da cidade onde moravam por ter sido afetado por essa doença misteriosa. Mais velha, Abigail decide quebrar as regras e passar por cima das autoridades da região para ir à procura de seu pai. Nessa jornada, ela descobre que ela e a cidade têm poderes mágicos.
Major Grom: The Game
Сергей Разумовский