Peri de Bragança


Fassbinder: Ascensão e Queda de um Gênio
Costume Design
Em 1982, o genial cineasta alemão Rainer Werner Fassbinder morreu de overdose, com apenas 37 anos, deixando uma obra impressionante para sua pouca idade. Em menos de duas décadas, ele produziu mais de 60 filmes e diversas peças, além de colaborar em outras funções, como ator, montador, roteirista. Essa é a fascinante história de um dos mais importantes representantes do Novo Cinema Alemão, cuja ascensão fulminante como um dos principais diretores da Europa coincide com sua queda mental e física, que levaram à sua morte prematura.
Costume Designer
Mário, um menino de 8 anos, raptado no interior de Portugal na primavera de 1999, reaparece 12 anos depois numa prisão em Paris. Quem é este rapaz? Onde passou os últimos 12 anos da sua vida?
What Doesn't Kill Us
Costume Design
As a divorced father of two teenage daughters, with a head-strong ex-wife for a best friend, too many peculiar patients to keep up with and a new dog, psychotherapist Max certainly doesn't need another challenge. But when Sophie, a compulsive gambler with a boyfriend problem, regularly shows up late for her appointments, she rocks his world in ways he's not ready for.
Der Athen Krimi: Trojanische Pferde
Costume Design
A Hitman's Solitude Before the Shot
Costume Design
The over-ambitious Koralnik has a dream job: he is a contract killer for a secret EU programme. But even eight years after his training he still hasn't had a single hit. Bored and frustrated, he lives according to the programme's strict rules - withdrawn, no social contact and constantly undercover. One day, the shy Rosa crashes into his car and life. Before he knows it, Koralnik is having dinner with her. For the first time, he can flee his everyday misery for an evening of company. But then the telephone rings. It's Koralnik's first job. With Rosa alongside, Koralnik sets off on a chaotic odyssey through a night in which nothing goes according to plan. It is only when Koralnik's target is revealed to be none other than one of his colleagues that the rigid concept by which he lives finally comes into question. He is confronted with the dilemma of either protecting his secret programme or drawing a line under his unfulfilled existence as a killer.
Besondere Schwere der Schuld
Costume Design
Joseph Komalschek was sentenced to 30 years in prison for cruelly murdering a young mother and her newborn baby. He never confessed his crimes and the bodies could not be found. After being released from prison, he returns to his hometown. People there treat him with distrust and disdain.
The Lies of the Victors
Costume Design
Fabian Groys, a renowned journalist for a political news magazine, enjoys great freedom, since the stories he uncovers make for good sales. When he loses a hot story about the German army, the editor saddles him with a young female intern. Fabian hates teamwork and sticks the intern with what seems a classic tabloid story about the suicide of a man who had himself torn to shreds by a lion at the zoo. But thanks to the intern’s dogged determination, signs emerge that the story Fabian was working on and the gory zoo story are actually interlinked. Is it pure coincidence? And if it isn’t, how can Fabian fight a nebulous enemy?
Die Kinder meiner Tochter
Costume Design
Das Millionen Rennen
Costume Design
Os Destemidos
Costume Design
Moritz é um garoto apaixonado por futebol com um sonho de ser um grande jogador. Depois que seus pais se separam e ele perde o seu lugar no time de futebol, Moritz busca montar uma nova equipe para vencer no campeonato enfrentando incríveis desafios.
Os Cavaleiros do Rei
Costume Design
Tiuri é quase um cavaleiro. Ele só tem de passar em um teste e ele vai ser condecorado. Ele só tem de dormir uma noite na capela, sem falar e sem abrir a porta. Então, alguém bate à porta da capela e pede ajuda. Arriscando seu título, Tiuri abre a porta e ajuda o indivíduo. Tiuri tem que entregar uma carta a um cavaleiro na floresta, que contém uma mensagem importante para um rei aliado. Quando Tiuri encontra o cavaleiro, o cavaleiro é mortalmente ferido e pede Tiuri para entregar a carta. Tiuri hesita, mas aceita a missão. A aventura começa …. Tiuri conseguirá entregar a carta na hora? Qual o conteúdo da carta?
Costume Design
The story of the first cloned human being - told in her own words: At the age of thirty the world-famous composer Iris Sellin learns that she has an incurable illness. She - a person who wanted to live for ever - does however not give in. In order to preserve her art and also herself, beyond death, for all posterity, she has herself cloned. Her daughter Siri, whom, in this way, she turns into her virtual twin, learns as a child that she is the world's first cloned human being. In fact a blueprint: a blueprint of her mother. From that moment on nothing is as it was before...
Costume Design
The movie's plot is based on the true story of a group of young computer hackers from Hannover, Germany. In the late 1980s the orphaned Karl Koch invests his heritage in a flat and a home computer. At first he dials up to bulletin boards to discuss conspiracy theories inspired by his favorite novel, R.A. Wilson's "Illuminatus", but soon he and his friend David start breaking into government and military computers. Pepe, one of Karl's rather criminal acquaintances senses that there is money in computer cracking - he travels to east Berlin and tries to contact the KGB.
Costume Design
The Deathmaker
Costume Design
Fritz Haarmann, who has killed at least 27 boys, is questioned by a psychology professor in order to find out whether he is sane and can be held responsible for his crimes. During this interrogation Haarmann reveals his motives and his killing methods.
Manta - Der Film
Costume Design
Das Geheimnis des Lebens
Costume Designer