Carmen Ruiz de Huidobro


Asteroid City
Assistant Art Director
Set in a fictional American desert town circa 1955, the itinerary of a Junior Stargazer/Space Cadet convention (organized to bring together students and parents from across the country for fellowship and scholarly competition) is spectacularly disrupted by world-changing events.
Production Designer
In this music video for Radiohead's new single, singer Thom Yorke traverses a shifting landscape of hall-ways, houses, department stores and mountains in search of an unknown destination.
Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait
Production Coordinator
Halfway between a sports documentary and an conceptual art installation, "Zidane" consists in a full-length soccer game (Real Madrid vs. Villareal, April 23, 2005) entirely filmed from the perspective of soccer superstar Zinedine Zidane.
Post Production Assistant
Ainda em luto pela repentina morte de sua esposa, o ferreiro Balian junta-se ao seu distante pai, Baron Godfrey, nas cruzadas a caminho de Jerusalém. Após uma jornada muito difícil até à cidade santa, o jovem valente entra no séquito do rei leproso Balduíno IV, que deseja lutar contra os muçulmanos para seu próprio ganho político e pessoal.
Dias de Futebol
Production Assistant
A comedic romp that celebrates the power of friendship to turn your life around, Dias de Futbol introduces us to Antonio, an ex-convict and amateur shrink who convinces his pals that the best way to overcome their midlife crises and lack of success with women is to reassemble their old soccer team and win something in life, even if only a local championship. Directed by David Serrano. Starring Alberto San Juan, Natalia Verbeke (Dot the I, Son of the Bride), Pere Ponce, and Fernando Tejero.