Joel Rinne

Joel Rinne

Nascimento : 1897-06-06, Asikkala, Finland

Morte : 1981-12-03


Joel Rinne


commander-in-chief Mannerheim
Vodkaa, komisario Palmu
A TV reporter is murdered when he is eavesdropping on a secret Finnish-Soviet conference. The National Broadcasting Corporation enlists the help of police lieutenant Palmu, who comes out of retirement for this case. However, some have their doubts about the loyalities of Palmu, seeing that he was spotted in a diplomatic soiree in Moscow just a few weeks before the murder.
Tähdet kertovat, komisario Palmu
A man's body is found on Tähtitorninmäki in Helsinki. Palmu starts to investigate the case, but the scandalous newspaper story causes problems for the police.
Kultainen vasikka
Maunu Somero
Finnish period comedy set to the times of WW I. Based on a play by Maria Jotuni.
Gas, Inspector Palmu!
A rich widow is found dead in her apartment in Helsinki due to gas poisoning. The incident is initially thought to be an accident, but inspector Palmu notices that the murderer made a mistake, and so Palmu, Kokki and Virta begin the investigation: who had come to the apartment through the balcony door and opened the gas tap while Mrs. Skrof was asleep?
Inspector Palmu's Error
A closed room mystery begins when an infamous tycoon is found dead in his bath tub. The famous police lieutenant Palmu is summoned to investigate.
Niskavuori taistelee
Dr. Artturi Santala
The last black-and-white film in the Niskavuori series of movies.
Muuan sulhasmies
Tyttö tuli taloon
Tyttö tuli taloon (1956) is a comedy film directed by Veikko Itkonen and written by Roy (Tapio Vilpponen). The film parodies the production methods of Finnish cinema of the time. Hitchhiking girls Eila (Heidi Krohn) and Tilly (Maija Karhi) end up at screenwriter Saku's (Joel Rinne) summer house by mistake, thinking it's their cousin's.
Rakas lurjus
Jussi Siimes
It is a time of extreme housing shortage in Helsinki. People with room in their flats are required either to find subtenants or to lodge anyone sent by the housing commission. Abel and Jussi Siimes, two devoted haters of women, find themselves in this predicament. They need to find a subtenant quickly to avoid the possibility of the housing commission sending a woman, God forbid it, to live with them. Abel's acquaintance, an assessor, recommends his nephew Kaino as the perfect choice.
Niskavuoren Aarne
Dr. Varelius
Niskavuori's Aarne (Arne från Niskavuori) is a Finnish drama film from 1954. It is based on Hella Wuolijoki's play Niskavuori's Bread. In chronological order of the Niskavuori series, the film is the fourth. Aarne has married Ilona and left the house in Niskavuori, which he hosts, where his former wife Martta still lives, while the old mistress is holding the reins. Aarne and Ilona live in Helsinki, but Aarne has not been able to completely break away from Niskavuori, but keeps secretly in touch with the headmaster and gives instructions on the farm management.
Tyttö kuunsillalta
Dr. Erik Ramberg
A widow and a husband tired of a loveless marriage rekindle the attraction they shared in their youth.
Huhtikuu tulee
Heikki Avovirta
Frustrated housewife Elisabet Avovirta has a spring romance with a younger man, journalist Jaakko Huhtikuu. Love sprinkles in the rays of the spring sun and eventually bubbles over the edges.
Kuollut mies kummittelee
Rainer Sarmo
Sarmo explores the mystery associated with the murder of a landowner and the tangle of crimes, threats, and conspiracies created by a letter he left behind. At the same time Sarmo helps the consuls of imaginary small states of South America in a difficult situation, and charms their daughters.
Yhden yön hinta
The streets of Helsinki, Finland, at night. Violence mixed with incidents and everyday life. Reported by police officers on the graveyard shift.
Tapahtui kaukana
Antti Juvas
Young woman flies to Lapland together with her father and his new female friend whom the daughter dislikes. On a lonely skiing-trip across the vast wilderness, the young lady ends up in a shack inhabited by two research engineers and a funny old Lapland man who sees peculiar dreams.
Isäpappa ja keltanokka
Yrjö Tammela
Kalle-Kustaa Korkin seikkailut
Kalle-Kustaa Korkki
Pekka Lipponen is trying to trace hidden diamonds before a group of bandits finds them. He enlists his friend Kalle-Kustaa Korkki to help him.
Hormoonit valloillaan
johtaja Vänski Kehkonen
Kilroy sen teki
Yrjö Haara
Ulla Järvinen gets a telegram about the death of her aunt and that she has inherited a manor, but the aunt is very much alive.
Pikku-Matti maailmalla
Taneli Parma
Hedelmätön puu
Tauno Sysikorpi
Valkoisen neilikan velho
Lauri Liesi
Dentist Lauri Liesi is performing as a magician in the Hotel Metropol. Meanwhile, during his performance top-secret letters of engineer Arpila are stolen from his room. Mr. Liesi is then being accused of the theft. To clear his name he starts to investigate and search the culprits from the criminal underworld. With the help of a former circus man Romonen he begins to unveil the truth.
Kolmastoista koputus
Pentti Kalho
Two Finnish naval captains face spies in Gothenburg harbor during the second world war.
Kartanon naiset
Jukka Kaplas
The film tells the story of the women of Larsvik Manor, especially the young lady of the house Barbi during World War II.
Kuollut mies vihastuu
Rainer Sarmo
Rainer Sarmo and Mikko Vehmer stumble upon a Russian counterfeit league. They help Leila Varta, who tries to save her brother Raimo from the evil Josef Hakim. The beautiful pianist Maria Lichter is puzzled by the events.
Kirkastettu sydän
Ahti Helpi
Miehen kunnia
Kaarlo Auer
Syntynyt terve tyttö
Kustaa Helasuo
Yli rajan
Mikko Vanhala
Kuollut mies rakastuu
Rainer Sarmo
Erkki Kaipio
A young heiress settles into a holiday hotel in search of a suitable husband. There are enough groom candidates, some gentlemen, and some cheaters. All that is certain is that the misfortunes will not end.
Suomisen perhe
Sam Nelson
The film takes place in the summer and spring of 1940. Isä, the father, gets involved in the stock market and threatens the livelihood of the family.
Jos oisi valtaa…
Gunnar Berg
Perheen musta lammas
Erkki Rautia
Jopi Rintee
A love story between a taxi driver and a travel guide in the form of a musical.
Suotorpan tyttö
Pekka Martikainen
Seitsemän veljestä
Based on a novel by Aleksis Kivi. Follows the story of seven brothers of Jukola in 19th century Finland.
Thure Gavelius
Mikko Vilkastus
Aarre Einola
Olenko minä tullut haaremiin
Arvi Halmeheimo
Tulitikkuja lainaamassa
Ville Kettunen
As Dream and Shadow…
Ja alla oli tulinen järvi
Jussi Raala
Olavi Manner
Coast guard battles the bootleggers who smuggle booze across the Gulf of Finland during the prohibition law.
Meidän poikamme ilmassa – me maassa
Jarmo Kurki
A documentary or rather a bulletin style movie about Finnish Air Forces in the 1930s.
Minä ja ministeri
Raimo Vehari
Have I entered the harem!
Arvi Halmeheimo
The Dean's Honeymoon Travels
In Adam's costume and a bit of Eve too
The film starts at the countryside, where station master Viirimäki is spending his summer holiday. He has gotten into the holiday mood to the extent that he wakes up from his stupor at the very moment he should already be getting back to work. Unfortunately the last ship from the island where he has been vacationing has already sailed, but as luck would have it, local residents Himanen and Kehkonen promise to help him out. Things turn out differently, however, and the attempt to help starts out an adventure filled with misunderstandings and plot twists.
Nuori luotsi
Eero Luotola
The Burglary
The Burglary (1926), a drama film directed by Harry Roeck Hansen, is based on a play by Minna Canth. Niilo (portrayed by actor Joel Rinne), a son of a rich estate owner, is in love with a poor crofter’s adopted daughter Heleena (Kaisa Leppänen). However, on his father’s (Emil Lindh) orders, Niilo instead becomes engaged to Loviisa (Ester Roeck Hansen), a daughter of a wealthy landowner. When Niilo wants to call off the engagement, his proud and rejected bride begins to interfere with the lovers’ relationship with the help of Penttula (Yrjö Somersalmi), who is said to be able to perform miracles.
Rautakylän vanha parooni
Richard von Dahlen
The Drakenhjelm family has lived in the Rautakylä manor for over 150 years. The current master of the house, elderly baron Magnus (Adolf Lindfors), has been living for a long time in an unregistered relationship with his housekeeper Lisette (Naimi Kari), with whom he also has a son, Sebastian (Axel Slangus). After the baron falls gravely ill Lisette starts getting worried about losing everything, so with Sebastian on her side she demands the baron to write a letter to the pastor and ask him to come over to perform a wedding ceremony. Right after Sebastian has left to fetch the pastor, a threesome seeking shelter from the storm comes to the manor and wreaks havoc on the marriage plans.
Koskenlaskijan morsian
The film is set in the small village of Nuottaniemi wherein lives Herr Iisakki and his daughter Hanna. Herr Iisakki has grudge against Herr Heikki, blaming him for the death of his son in a raft accident. To make things worse Herr Heikki's son, Herr Juhani, wants to marry Frau Hanna but she only has eyes for a lumberman named Herr Anti Koskenalustan.
Kiljusen pojat koulussa
Se parhaiten nauraa, joka viimeksi nauraa
Martti Vaara, secondary school graduate gets monetary help from his rich uncle under the pretense to get married and have kids. When the uncle unexpectedly arrives to look at the little one, Martti persuades his friends to get involved on the hoax.