David Horowitz


Os Cavaleiros da Sombra
Set Decoration
Por vezes para se acabar uma guerra tem de se começar outra. Voltando da Guerra Civil, dois homens descobrem que seus irmãos foram sequestrados por rebeldes renegados. Com a ajuda de um veterano e experiente guia, saem no encalço dos familiares. Baseado em obra de Louis L'Amour.
Goldie and the Boxer Go to Hollywood
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In this sequel to 1979's "Goldie and the Boxer," the ingratiating twosome, heavyweight champ and his 10-year-old manager, flee to California when a vengeful promoter who lost a bundle on the title fight wants retribution.
A Lenda do Revólver Dourado
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Em 1863 os EUA era uma nação dividida, a guerra alastrou-se no Leste, era irmão contra irmão tendo como tema "Liberdade do Homem". No Oeste a guerra Civil deu origem a outro tipo de criminoso que invadiram Kansas, Missouri, sendo proscritos escravistas, sequestradores, estripadores, matando e dizimando famílias inteiras. É nesse contexto que um jovem fazendeiro e um escravo fugitivo fazem parte de um grupo que persegue o lendário guerrilheiro confederado William Quantrill. Ao longo do caminho encontram com um pistoleiro legendário, que ensina o jovem fazendeiro como atirar e lhe dá uma arma especial que dispara sete tiros, o sétimo tiro que ele só deve utilizar para combater o mal.
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A hotshot junkman decides to go to the moon with his two young companions in a homemade rocket to recover millions of dollars worth of discarded space equipment in this pilot to the series.
Kiss Me, Kill Me
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A female investigator in the district attorney's office sets out to track down the person who murdered a young schoolteacher.
Matt Helm
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In this pilot film for the later series, a former secret agent, now a private investigator, is hired to protect a beautiful film star and gets involved with black marketeers and gun runners.
Cop on the Beat
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An aging street cop goes after a gang of toughs involved in several robbery-rapes on his beat in this pilot (a spin-off from "Police Story") for the 1975-76 series. The veteran cop concept also was the basis for "The Blue Knight" series at the same time — and that, too, was based on a Joseph Wambaugh creation. Also known as "The Return of Joe Forrester."
A Matter of Wife... and Death
Set Decoration
A private investigator is confronted by the police AND the mob about the killing of a former private-eye associate.