Alex Sherratt


Tubarões à Noite
Das profundezas azuis do oceano ao céu sem fim, o público terá uma visão sem precedentes da vida dos tubarões-martelo e sua incrível conexão com a lua.
Pela primeira vez na história, especialistas em tubarões visam desvendar os mistérios por trás da habilidade dos tubarões-brancos de modificar suas células cutâneas para se camuflar.
Ariane, une épopée spatiale
Additional Camera
The history of the Ariane rocket is a space epic that has seen Europeans unite and innovate to make a place for themselves in the space race. Faced with Soviet and then American supremacy, men and women from the four corners of Europe have achieved the impossible. Ariane has become a true monument, thanks to the passion of those who dreamed of it and to their tenacity in the face of the various obstacles that stood in their way. This undeniable European success is now at a turning point in its history. The new Ariane 6 program is currently being developed to meet the challenges of tomorrow: will it be able to meet the challenges of a more competitive environment than ever before?