Production Assistant
Set in the dark depths of a strange and mysterious power supply complex, ELLIOT tells the tale of a conflicted humanoid (Elliot) struggling to maintain his reality and understand his true identity. Elliot is thrust into a disconcerting downward spiral of despair in which he is forced to recognize the perils of his own cognition and constructed ideals in a crumbling universe where the lines between fantasy, simulation, and reality are blurred, and the fibers of Elliot’s fragile existence are ruptured.
Producer's Assistant
Bertram Pincus (Ricky Gervais),é um homem cuja maneira de lidar com pessoas deixa muito a desejar. Quando Pincus morre inesperadamente, ele milagrosamente ressuscita sete minutos depois, ele acorda e descobre que pode ver fantasmas. Pior ainda, que todos eles querem alguma coisa dele, especialmente Herlihy Frank (Greg Kinnear) que ele insiste em destruir o casamento de sua viúva Gwen (Téa Leoni). Isso põe Pincus no meio de um triângulo amoroso.