Tomasz Jacyków


Where the Devil Can't Go, He Sends a Woman 2
Costume Design
The true story of Polish fortunes and the story of the heroes from the first part has its colorful continuation. Can business friends continue to trust each other when even more money is at stake? How were state-owned companies privatized, garnering millions into private pockets? Who was pulling the strings in free Poland? Even more mysteries. Human weaknesses.
Miłość na pierwszą stronę
The story of Nina - a modern day Cinderella and Robert - the son of the presidential couple. She is undergoing a transformation in life and is making her first steps in the paparazzi profession. He also wants to live on his own terms and free himself from the spotlight, which may turn out to be more difficult than he thinks. Only fleeting "front page love" or a great feeling for life will spark between the characters?
Złoty środek
Raised in Warsaw's Praga, Mirka graduated from the prestigious faculty of law. It would seem that her profession would even be detracted from the honor of a family with cunning roots. The girl's grandfather and father pride themselves on stays in numerous prisons. However, Mirka's legal knowledge can be very useful in the fight to save the old tenement house. As a result of a suspicious transaction, the tenement house where Mirka has been living since childhood is to be demolished. All the leads lead to the law firm "Łopian i Pokrzywa", which is just looking for a new lawyer - a man. In order to help the inhabitants of the family tenement house, Mirka must engage in a daring hoax. She is helped by her uncle Bogumił, a makeup artist and a representative of a sexual minority. Thanks to him, a beautiful girl will turn into a handsome young man and hire him in a suspicious office.