In 1815, Tsar Alexander I romances a working-class glove seller, while his double takes his place at the Vienna Congress. English-language version of Der Kongreß tanzt.
Vienna glove-sales-lady Christel falls in love with Russian Czar Alexander. Austrian Prince Metternich tries to use this and other pleasant diversions to keep him out of the negotiation conferences of the 1815 Vienna Congress.
German language version of Two Worlds.
Directed by Alexandre Volkoff
A film by A. W. Sandberg.
Republic of Venice, 1760. Pursued by a vengeful husband, the intrepid womanizer Casanova, who symbolizes the decline of the city and its fall into debauchery, manages to escape and, by a circuitous route, arrives in Saint Petersburg, where he will be involved in the many plots that threaten the throne of Czar Peter III…
Austrian actress Mady Christians stars alongside German matinee idol Willy Fritsch in this adaptation of the Oscar Straus operetta about a Prince who, after falling for a Viennese girl, becomes obsessed with the city and its customs.
The King tosses Rosita in jail and when Don Diego, who Rosita loves, tries to defend her, he too is thrown in jail. While Don Diego is sentenced to be executed, the King lusts after Rosita and decides to put her up in a luxurious villa. To give her a title, he marries her to a masked nobleman, who turns out to be Don Diego.
The Ethiopian King offers his daughter to a powerful Pharaoh to secure peace between the two countries.
Segunda esposa de Henrique VIII, Ana Bolena teve forte influência como rainha da Inglaterra. O filme de Ernst Lubitsch utiliza muitas das técnicas de linguagem que caracterizaram o expressionismo alemão.
Madame DuBarry, amante do rei francês Luís XV, vive muitos amores durante a Revolução Francesa.
A cigana Carmen tenta conquistar o coração do policial Don José para que ele faça vista grossa aos crimes do clã da mulher, porém as coisas saem do controle quando Don José começa a ficar obsessivo e violento.