George Paternoster
Nascimento : , Strood, Kent, England, UK
Boom Operator
Alec Graham is sentenced to death for the murder of his girlfriend Jennie, with whom he spent a weekend at the English country home of the parents of his friend Brian Stanford. Alec’s father, David Graham, a not-so-successful writer and alcoholic who has neglected his son in the past, flies in from Canada to visit his son on death row. David then goes on a quest to try and clear his son’s name while battling “the bottle.”
Boom Operator
Edward "Teddy" Bare is a ruthless schemer who thinks he's hit the big time when he kills his older wife, believing he will inherit a fortune. When things don't go according to plan, Teddy sets his sights on a new victim: wealthy widow Freda Jeffries. Unfortunately for the unscrupulous criminal, Freda is much more guarded and sassy than his last wife, making separating her from her money considerably more challenging.
Boom Operator
When his colleague is killed during a chase in Kentish Town, London bobby Frank volunteers to become a dog-handler.
Boom Operator
Under a complicated bequest from her uncle, Myrtle stands to inherit $2,000,000 if her ex-husband doesn't have any male heirs on the way, else he gets the cash. She journies from New York to England, and finally tracks him down with his heavily pregnant new wife. Should she try and woo him back or challenge the legality of the new marriage?
Boom Operator
Versão da Disney do clássico onde o jovem Robin Hood, apaixonado por Marian, entra em um concurso de tiro de arco e flechas com seu pai no palácio do rei. No caminho para casa, seu pai é assassinado por capangas do príncipe John. Robin leva uma vida foragida da lei, juntando seu bando de homens alegres e liderando-os à Floresta de Sherwood, para vingar a morte de seu pai e ajudar as pessoas da região que o príncipe explora através de altos impostos.
Boom Operator
Story of young boy and girl who help aircraft designer to outwit gang of spies trying to steal secret plans.
Boom Operator
Vicky Barton and her brother, Johnny, take a trip to the 1896 Paris Exhibition. They both sleep in seperate rooms in a hotel. When the sister gets up the next morning, she finds her brother and his room had disappeared and no one will even acknowledge that he was ever there. Now Vicky must find out what exactly happened to her brother.
Boom Operator
The middle-class family of a young woman cannot understand why she delays in marrying a respectable young man. They know nothing about her long-standing affair with a Frenchman.
Boom Operator
A modern-day retelling of Arnold Bennett's novel, in which a Treasury official with a reputation for fiscal prudence is left a great deal of money and has no idea how to cope with sudden personal wealth.
Boom Operator
Na Inglaterra vitoriana, o jovem órfão de nove anos, Oliver, é mandado para um reformatório, onde é castigado e perseguido. Ele encontra em Fagin (o mentor e chefe de uma quadrilha de jovens ladrões de Londres) a falsa ilusão da liberdade.
Boom Operator
Um grupo de freiras lideradas pela jovem e inexperiente Irmã Clodagh (Deborah Kerr) tem a missão de estabelecer um novo convento no alto do Himalaia. Em meio a um povo majoritariamente não cristão, as freiras dão aulas e oferecem atendimento médico, mas a presença constante de um homem (David Farrar) começa a tirá-las do sério, provocando sérios tormentos, sentimentos incontroláveis e ações inesperadas.
Boom Operator
Um humilde órfão de repente se torna um cavalheiro com a ajuda de um desconhecido benfeitor.
Boom Operator
An African music student returns home and has to defeat the witch doctor who dominates his tribe and attempt to take them to healthier land away from disease-infestation.
Boom Operator
The aging Caesar finds himself intrigued by the young Egyptian queen. Adapted by George Bernard Shaw from his own play.
Boom Operator
Adaptado de uma peça de Noel Coward, Charles e sua segunda esposa Ruth, são assombrados pelo fantasma de sua primeira esposa, Elvira. A Medium Madame Arcati tenta ajudar as coisas entrando em contato com o fantasma. Para obter ideias para um novo livro, o escritor Charles e sua ingênua segunda esposa Ruth, marcam com a mística Madame Arcati, uma sessão espírita. O resultado infeliz é que a primeira esposa de Charles, Elvira, retorna do além-túmulo para fazer de sua vida uma miséria. Ruth também fica cada vez mais irritado com sua rival sobrenatural, mas Madame Arcati é quem no final, com sua sagacidade, consegue resolver as coisas.
Boom Operator
Three modern day pilgrims investigate a bizarre crime in a small town on the way to Canterbury.
Boom Operator
Um grupo de recrutas é convocado para a infantaria durante a WW2. No início, eles parecem um bando sem esperança, mas seu sargento e seu tenente acreditam neles e os transformam em uma boa equipe. Quando eles entram em ação na África do Norte eles percebem qual que é o jogo.
Boom Operator
In 1919, Frank Gibbons returns home from army duty and moves into a middle-class row house, bringing with him wife Ethel, carping mother-in-law Mrs. Flint, sister-in-law Sylvia and three children. Years pass, with the daily routine of family infighting and reconciliation occasionally broken by a strike or a festival.