Marking the 20th anniversary of September 11, this two-hour documentary presents a unique and moving account of the day that changed the modern world. Featuring rare footage and audio, “9/11: I Was There” unveils an intimate portrayal of the events of September 11 captured by ordinary people who chose to pick up their video cameras that day; some courageous enough to get a closer look. Told in the moment without interview, commentary or narration, this riveting documentary weaves together the personal video diaries of a dozen people whose emotions are remarkable documentation of that dark day. A truly extraordinary portrayal, “9/11: I Was There” puts viewers in the shoes of New Yorkers and visitors alike to unfold the tragedy, the fear of what was next and the horrific aftermath to follow resulting in a raw and unfiltered telling of 9/11 from confusion to comprehension, terror and relief.
Executive Producer
Marking the 20th anniversary of September 11, this two-hour documentary presents a unique and moving account of the day that changed the modern world. Featuring rare footage and audio, “9/11: I Was There” unveils an intimate portrayal of the events of September 11 captured by ordinary people who chose to pick up their video cameras that day; some courageous enough to get a closer look. Told in the moment without interview, commentary or narration, this riveting documentary weaves together the personal video diaries of a dozen people whose emotions are remarkable documentation of that dark day. A truly extraordinary portrayal, “9/11: I Was There” puts viewers in the shoes of New Yorkers and visitors alike to unfold the tragedy, the fear of what was next and the horrific aftermath to follow resulting in a raw and unfiltered telling of 9/11 from confusion to comprehension, terror and relief.
Um relato único, comovente e vívido do dia que mudou o mundo moderno. Este filme conta histórias nunca antes reveladas, criadas por meio de uma tapeçaria de vídeo e áudio inéditos.
Executive Producer
Um relato único, comovente e vívido do dia que mudou o mundo moderno. Este filme conta histórias nunca antes reveladas, criadas por meio de uma tapeçaria de vídeo e áudio inéditos.
Delegated Producer
Um relato único, comovente e vívido do dia que mudou o mundo moderno. Este filme conta histórias nunca antes reveladas, criadas por meio de uma tapeçaria de vídeo e áudio inéditos.
Um relato único, comovente e vívido do dia que mudou o mundo moderno. Este filme conta histórias nunca antes reveladas, criadas por meio de uma tapeçaria de vídeo e áudio inéditos.
In life, the Libyan leader ruled with an iron fist for 42 years and treated Libya's wealth as his own. He died the richest man on the planet with a fortune of $150 billion. A dictatorial leader in life, the spell of Gaddafi's money remained in place after his death, triggering a ruthless race to find his missing billions. Two journalists pick up the trail of a mysterious $12.5 billion in cash, flown out of Libya in the dead of night just months before Gaddafi's demise.