Camelia Popa


U Get What U Kiss 2: The Crazy Bride
In Răchiţele commune, it is said that whoever kisses you on Wool's Day, will be your life partner in a long and busy life. The Mad Bride is the story of three shepherd brothers who have long since married and desperately want to kiss a proud Woolen Day.
U Get What U Kiss 2: The Crazy Bride
In Răchiţele commune, it is said that whoever kisses you on Wool's Day, will be your life partner in a long and busy life. The Mad Bride is the story of three shepherd brothers who have long since married and desperately want to kiss a proud Woolen Day.
U Get What U Kiss 2: The Crazy Bride
In Răchiţele commune, it is said that whoever kisses you on Wool's Day, will be your life partner in a long and busy life. The Mad Bride is the story of three shepherd brothers who have long since married and desperately want to kiss a proud Woolen Day.
Far From Here
Casting Coordinator
Uma engenheira arranja o trabalho dos seus sonhos na Roménia, mas causa uma crise matrimonial com a mudança ao comprometer a carreira autoral do marido.
Far From Here
Production Manager
Uma engenheira arranja o trabalho dos seus sonhos na Roménia, mas causa uma crise matrimonial com a mudança ao comprometer a carreira autoral do marido.
Far From Here
Post Production Supervisor
Uma engenheira arranja o trabalho dos seus sonhos na Roménia, mas causa uma crise matrimonial com a mudança ao comprometer a carreira autoral do marido.