Yves Deschamps


Well Done
Lead Editor
The Time of Secrets
Marseille, July 1905. Nearly a teenager, Marcel Pagnol embarks in his last summer vacation before high school and returns, at last, to his beloved hills in Provence. What begins as a summer of boyhood adventures becomes one of the first loves, and unearthed secrets.
Fly Me Away
Thomas, a blasé young man, spends his nights in clubs and his days in bed. Until his father, Dr. Reinhard, fed up with his son’s escapades, cuts him off completely and forces him to take care of one of his young patients. Mar- cus, 12, was born with a serious congenital disorder. He lives with his mother in the poor suburbs of Paris and spends his days either at the hospital or in a center for sick children. This encounter will disrupt their lives and change them both, profoundly and forever.
O Outro Lado do Vento
J.J. Jake Hannaford (John Huston) é um consagrado diretor de cinema que enfrenta problemas para concluir seu último filme, "O Outro Lado do Vento", devido ao abandono repentino do protagonista, John Dale (Robert Random). Com o orçamento estourado e a pressão de executivos de Hollywood, Hannaford comemora seu aniversário em meio a amigos e inimigos, exibindo aos presentes o que já filmou até o momento.
Serei amado quando morrer
No final de sua carreira, o lendário diretor Orson Welles já não era mais o queridinho de Hollywood que fez sucesso com "Cidadão Kane". Um artista em processo de envelhecimento e aparentemente sem sorte, ele passou seis anos batalhando para tentar concluir "The Other Side of the Wind", o filme que ele acreditava que seria seu grande retorno. Com sua morte em 1985, o projeto acabou, permanecendo em um cofre sem ser terminado por quatro décadas. Imagens inéditas de Welles se unem a entrevistas com o elenco e a equipe do filme para contar a história do fim de sua carreira.
The story revolves around 22-year-old Laure, who is trying to find her feet. After performing brilliantly in her literature studies, she enrols as a communications officer in the Naval Fusiliers. She will quickly have to adapt to and assimilate the rules that apply within the institution. But Laure is a determined woman, and she has a thirst for knowledge – still. A thirst to learn to get to know and be comfortable with herself, and to find her place.
Roger D'Astous
A documentary about montreal architect Roger D'astous, who battled all his life to create a nordic architecture. Starchitect in the 60s, this Frank L. Wright student then fell from grace before rising again at the dawn of the century.
A Corte
Michel Racine (Fabrice Luchini) é um juiz rígido e impiedoso, conhecido pela atitude extremamente profissional nos tribunais. Isso muda quando a jurada de um de seus casos é Ditte Lorensen-Cotteret (Sidse Babett Knudsen), uma mulher por quem foi perdidamente apaixonado muitos anos atrás, mas que o abandonou.
Em Nome de Deus
A dozen foreigners are kidnapped by a terrorist group in the Philippines.
Louis XI, le pouvoir fracassé
Paris 36
A star is born in a time of both celebration and instability in this historical drama with music from director Christophe Barratier. In the spring of 1936, Paris is in a state of uncertainty; while the rise of the Third Reich in Germany worries many, a leftist union-oriented candidate, Léon Blum, has been voted into power, and organized labor is feeling its new power by standing up to management.
Could This Be Love?
Lucas, a wealthy, 43 year-old divorced businessman, is irresistibly attracted to Elsa, a 38 year old renowned sculptor from whom he has commissioned a piece to decorate the reception at his office.
In Baghdad the Magnificent reigns Haroun al Plassid, who is the Caliph. There also dwells Iznogoud, who wants to be the Caliph. The irascible Grand Vizier hatches plot after plot to remove his ruler and take his place—melting Djinn, invisibility spell, cursed diamond, voodoo doll… But no amount of cunning or obstinacy can make up for sheer, hilariously bad luck.
Quatre étoiles
Franssou, a charming Parisian English teacher, who shares part of her life with a boring middle-aged lover, dreams of another life. So, when she unexpectedly inherits 50,000 euros, she grasps the opportunity and goes to the French Riviera in order to take it easy in luxury. In the four-star hotel where she rents a room she comes across Stéphane, a strange guy who is in the process of arranging Elton John's next coming to the place. Intrigued by the noisy ostentatious fellow, she follows him until she finally comes into contact with him. She knows Stéphane is at bay and decides to take advantage of it.
A Voz do Coração
Pierre Morhange é um famoso maestro que retorna à sua cidade-natal ao saber do falecimento de sua mãe. Lá ele encontra um diário mantido por seu antigo professor de música, Clémente Mathieu, através do qual passa a relembrar sua própria infância. Mais exatamente a década de 40, quando passou a participar de um coro organizado pelo professor, que terminou por revelar seus dotes musicais.
Dayana, a young woman fresh out of prison, wants to clear up the mystery surrounding the death of her brother, Pitchi. The police conclude his death was an accident, but Dayana receives an anonymous phone call that reveals how wrong the police is. Dayana’s own investigation leads to a gang leader called El Calvo. She infiltrates his gang, the Angelitos Negros. What will happen?
Transferência Mortal
É como fazer um salto "bungee jump" sem elástico... Um Thriller repleto de suspense que o vai deixar na duvida até ao fim... Michel Durand é um psicanalista! Os seus dias passam-se no consultório, entre lamentos de um professor de matemática e histórias sado-masoquistas de Olga Kubler, uma perversa cleptomaníaca. Uma existência bastante vulgar para um terapeuta, se a estranha e sedutora Sra. Kubler não tivesse a infeliz ideia de se deixar estrangular no seu divã, precisamente quando ele adormecera... São Sete da tarde... O telefone toca. A sessão acabou. Michel acorda. Olga não se mexe. O queaconteceu? Quem matou a mulher de Max Kubler? Porque razão doem os braços a Michel? É possível matar alguém durante o sono? Basta de perguntas… é preciso agir. Livrar-se do corpo. E depressa, porque é o Comissário Chapireau que chefia as investigações... e Max Kubler anda à procura da mulher como um louco...
The Ideal Man
A volleyball professional has a hard time choosing between three different men in her life.
A Vida de Jesus
Freddy vive com sua mãe, dona do café Au Petit Casino, em Bailluel. Tratado num hospital especializado em epilepsia, Freddy passa a maior parte de seu tempo vegetando com seus amigos. Eles não têm mais de 20 anos, são desinformados, sem estudo e desempregados. Assim, passam o dia à toa, andando em suas motocicletas.
Inca de Oro
A deep story about the routine in Inca de Oro, a sunken town in the north of Chile, where Carmen Castillo goes deep into the immobile memory of men and women clinging to the loneliness of gold. The documentary shows the life of the pirquineros and their families.
O Retorno de Casanova
After many years of rambling across Europe the aging Giacomo Casanova is impoverished. He wants to return to the Republic of Venice but he doesn't dare going there directly because he was a fugitive when he left. While he tries to find a way to get a pardon he meets a young lady named Marcelina. The more he shows his affection, the more ostentatiously she rejects him. Even so he doesn't give up on her because her lover Lorenzo has grave gaming debts. In return for the required money Lorenzo tells Casanova about a looming secret rendezvous with Marcelina. Moreover he lets Casanova take his place. Undercover of the night Casanova finally seduces her. Lorenzo later feels his honor was besmirched and demands satisfaction. Casanova kills him in a duel and then goes home to Venice.
Annabelle partagée
In this mildly explicit sexual drama, the lovely dancer Annabelle (Delphine Zingg) has a passionate relationship with an older man but eventually decides to devote her romantic energies to a younger man with whom she has more in common. Between sex scenes, and philosophical discussions between friends and lovers about love and relationships, the viewer is treated to shots of the lovely dancer mulling over her life at various scenic locations in Paris.
J'aurais jamais dû croiser son regard...
In this romantic thriller, Zoe (Nathalie Cardone), a girl who has gotten into serious trouble, finds an ally and protector in Bambi (Smain), a juvenile delinquent who has fallen in love with her.
Paradise Hotel
A diverse group of guests gather in a small hotel in Paris to contemplate the state of their lives in this pretentious drama. Joseph Goldman (Fernando Rey) is a washed-up Hollywood actor making a living in the dinner-theater circuit. Accompanied by his wife Sarah (Carole Regnier), Goldman meets Frederique (Berangere Bonvoisin), who is hiding from her former lover. French financier Arthur (Fabrice Luchini) hopes to get into the film industry and bends the ear of a British director (Michael Medwin). The talkative film has little action, and none of the characters evoke much interest or resolve their dilemma.
Elsa, Elsa
When he was eight years old, Ferdinand was chosen to play a supporting role along a famous actress. Today, a producer is asking him to write and direct a film about his childhood memories...
A Lua na Sarjeta
A dockworker seeking revenge on the killer of his sister finds himself the object of desire for two women.
Ils appellent ça un accident
A woman's only son is killed through the negligence of his doctor. Her husband, in practice at the same clinic, colludes in the cover-up. How will the mother react to the fact that 'they call that an accident'? An obscure thriller, the first directorial effort of its star, Nathalie Delon (who also scripted it); it features music by Steve Winwood and Marianne Faithfull, including her splendidly sour song 'Guilt';
Ils appellent ça un accident
A woman's only son is killed through the negligence of his doctor. Her husband, in practice at the same clinic, colludes in the cover-up. How will the mother react to the fact that 'they call that an accident'? An obscure thriller, the first directorial effort of its star, Nathalie Delon (who also scripted it); it features music by Steve Winwood and Marianne Faithfull, including her splendidly sour song 'Guilt';
La Puce et le Privé
Val Brosse, a private detective, receives Françoise, who confesses to him that she murdered her husband. The story is false, but Val, intrigued, decides to investigate.