Richard Van Oosterhout


Director of Photography
Jonathan, a kind-hearted young man, is released from prison due to lack of evidence. He returns to his mother who lives in a small house by the dunes. Jonathan wants to forget the past and is determined to become a different and better person. But even though he strictly adheres to the rules, his good intentions are soon put to the test when a young woman moves in next to him with her small daughter.
Minha Vida
Director of Photography
Recentemente aposentada, a cabeleireira Lou decide que está na hora de realizar um sonho antigo. Ela, então, vende o salão e vai para a Espanha aprender espanhol. Inspirada por um novo sentimento de liberdade e encorajada por sua professora e nova amiga, Andrea, Lou resolve se mudar de vez para a cidade litorânea de Cádiz. Mas assim que ela passa a acreditar que sua aventura é plausível, sua filha Bárbara aparece de surpresa —e grávida.
Promise of Pisa
Director of Photography
A promising young Dutch-Moroccan trumpet player sets out to succeed at a posh Amsterdam music conservatory.
Your Mum and Dad
The film follows Michael Moskowitz’s work with a New York-based therapist named Kirkland Vaughns, one of the few African-American Freudian therapists in the United States, while the director reveals her own family’s devastating trauma.
Aranha na Teia
Director of Photography
A história segue um agente secreto, uma vez elogiado, mas muito velho, Adereth (Ben Kingsley), que é considerado passado por seus superiores. As estrelas de Itay Tiran (“Líbano”), uma jovem operadora enviada para rastrear o personagem enigmático de Adereth e Bellucci, encobre as linhas, como quem está caçando, quem se torna a questão em um mundo de intriga e decepção.
Director of Photography
On the night of the strangest wedding in cinema history, a grotesque gang boss hires a stonecold killer to bring him the finger of a fading, drug-addicted jazz legend.
The Beast in the Jungle
Director of Photography
Ambientado em uma remota mansão rural inglesa durante um período de um século, o filme acompanha John e May enquanto eles se observam e se perguntam se já tinham se conhecido onze anos atrás. Uma adaptação do conto homônimo de Henry James do século XIX.
Amor e Amizade
Director of Photography
Século XVIII. A bela viúva Lady Susan Vernon (Kate Beckinsale) foge das fofocas sobre seus casos amorosos buscando refúgio na fazenda dos antigos sogros. Lá reflete sobre a vida e decide arranjar um novo marido para si e um bom pretendente para a filha, Frederica (Morfydd Clark).
Os Reformados
Director of Photography
Um menino encontra um soldado nazista morto em uma cidade da Romênia e os alemães querem culpá-lo. Por medo, as autoridades locais forçam um homem a se declarar culpado, sem imaginar as consequências.
Director of Photography
Um filme de Paul Verhoeven com Peter Blok, Robert de Hoog : Os colegas de trabalho de Remco (Peter Blok) armam para o empresário durante sua festa de aniversário de 50 anos, organizado pela própria esposa, ao expor no jantar a ex-amante grávida de Remco. Para completar, a amante atual (Gaite Jansen) ...
Little Black Spiders
Director of Photography
Belgium, 1978. Katja, Roxy, and a group of other lively girls are too young for love, but still they are almost mothers. In a hidden location, pregnant teenage girls await the birth of their babies in secret. Some want to put their mistake behind them as soon as possible, but Katja, herself an orphan, clearly wants something different: she longs to have her own little baby. During the long wait, the girls share each others joys and sorrows. They form close friendships and distract themselves with strange games, until the bubble bursts, and Katja becomes painfully aware of the plans that the nuns are making behind their backs. She is not going to let this happen to her baby
Theo Maassen: Zonder Pardon
Camera Operator
Last Conversation
Director of Photography
A woman drives in her car, wearing a grave look on her face. In the background, we hear the sounds of the freeway. The camera often captures her face, but occasionally we look at her from behind. Hypnotising lines on the road whiz by. Just like trees and other elements surrounding the road. Some short telephone conversations alternate with long silences. Meanwhile, the spectator travels along with the woman for many miles. Next, her phone rings for the third time. It turns out to be her lover. Gradually, the nature of the conversation becomes clear. It is their final, but intense and extensive talk. One time, the tone is very impersonal, another time defiant or even particularly emotional. More and more becomes clear about the two characters and their past relationship.
Director of Photography
Kain reflects in a contemplative way on our human condition. It's an audiovisual meditation on the cruelty and suffering of our tragic humanity. A short film about guilt and the birth of conscience. - Berlinale Short Competition 2009
Nowhere Man
Director of Photography
A drama about a fortysomething man who entertains fantasies of a different life. Staging his apparent death, he moves to an island but pines for his former existence, and wonders if he could return to it.
Beyond the Game
Director of Photography
Warcraft III is the most popular real-time strategy computer game, thrilling over 2.5 million North Americans and 10 million people worldwide everyday. The game creates an alternate universe, where players challenge each other with a mythically-charged online world of humans, orcs, the undead, knights, and elves. In Beyond the Game, we meet - in real life and within the game - two of the game's leading figures, known as Grubby and Sky. Acclaimed filmmaker Jos de Putter tracks these Kasparovs of a new generation and a new game across the world all the way to the world championships in Seattle. A fascinating, surprising, and genuinely touching portrait, Beyond the Game is a study of, and participation in, the reformation of our communities in the internet age.
Valse wals
Director of Photography
Black Swans
Director of Photography
Two passionate people, Marleen and Vince, embark on a scorching love affair. They are sucked down by the fierceness of their feelings and literally drown in them..
Monte Carlo
Director of Photography
A young traveler picks up and elderly woman on his way from Holland to Monte Carlo.
L'amant de Maman
Director of Photography
Emma, an African woman, falls in love with Andrew, a white male. She loves him so much that she decides to abandon her husband and their two children... Seven years later, one of her sons recognizes his mother on the streets of Rotterdam. She recognizes him too and she thinks back to the last week before she left her husband and children.
Vrouwen Willen Trouwen
A hungover groom is not exactly enjoying his wedding day.