Maria Kania

Maria Kania


Maria Kania


Letters to Santa 4
Matka Piotrusia
Anything can happen during Christmas Eve. Mel has to face new professional challenges and adapt to the new standards prevailing at work. Then Karina and Stephan plan to introduce serious changes in raising children. They decide to change their approach and apply somewhat sophisticated educational methods. A new woman will step in between Karolina and Filip, and the past will be reminded of Rudolf.
Servos da Guerra
Marta Zadara
Dois policiais investigam o assassinato de um respeitado médico, especialista em transplante de medula óssea. Sem querer, eles desvendam um emaranhado caso de corrupção, comércio de órgãos humanos e vendas informações de DNA.
Panic Attack
Tragedy meets comedy in seven stories about how our entire world can collapse at any given moment.
Poseidon Code
Scientists and the Chinese Maritime Police race to save sea turtles endangered by criminal gangs and ecological disaster.
Stones for the Rampart
To be defeated and not be - a victory. This is the motto that life is guided by three young friends: Alek, Sophy and Rudy. Scouts, high school graduates high school in Warsaw drifting ambitious plans for the future broken through September 1939. Entering adulthood in a very dramatic times, which puts them a choice - to survive at any cost, or to join the fighting for a free homeland, risking everything. The boys brought up in patriotic homes, shaped by the ideals of scouting, they decide to fight. They become soldiers, and although every scrape with death, they can live a full life.