The beautiful and self-confident Mila is trying to find a groom for the quiet and shy Lyuba. One evening they barely get away from the local punks and find themselves in the cozy house of the local guy Slava. Here they are found by the favorite of women Kolya, with whom Mila once had an affair. As a result, the inconspicuous and unlucky Lyuba takes her beloved away from the bright and successful Mila and leaves with him to Moscow. And Mila remains in the house by the sea and marries the humble Slava. Twenty years later, the heroes are waiting for a new meeting and a new turn in fate.
Max Andreev thought the best place to start a new life would be at the other end of the world. What he didn't know, is that you can't outrun your past.
A small child is trapped in a tug-of-war battle between his frivolous, but loving mother and an emotionally abusive neurotic grandmother, who wants to "shelter" her beloved grandson at all cost.
São os últimos dias da guerra. Na cave de um prédio semi-demolido, as pessoas esperam. Conseguiram escapar aos bombardeamentos nocturnos e ao fogo da artilharia. A maior parte destas pessoas são mulheres, que sabem bem o que as espera. A entrada do exército vermelho na cidade está eminente. Naquele prédio, como em muitos outros sítios em Berlim, as mulheres irão ser vítimas de violações. Uma delas é "Anónima", que anteriormente trabalhou como jornalista e fotógrafa. Só que ela não é o género de pessoa que se presta para vítima. Cheia de coragem, determinação e com uma vontade inabalável de defender a sua dignidade, A. toma então uma decisão. Quando puder irá escolher um "lobo", um oficial russo que a possa proteger dos outros. Em contrapartida, irá dormir com ele - de livre vontade. E acontece então aquilo que ela menos esperava. Andrej, o oficial delicado e melancólico, acaba mesmo por despertar o seu interesse.
This historic drama is set in an Ossetian village in the 17th century. The film’s main hero is Chermen. An illegitimate son, Chermen is striving to assert his dignity. He is opposed by Dacco, the elder of the Aldar clan, in whose village Chermen lives. Guided by mercenary motives, Dacco strikes a deal with Prince Tsarai. Together, they rob people and then divide the loot between themselves. By some chance, Chermen learns of the deal and informs his friends about it. At first, he thinks that no one in the Aldar village would believe him, the bastard, and that the plot would remain unexposed. But the friends accept the challenge.