Leticia Slapnik Yebuah


Fruto da Memória
Em meio a uma pandemia mundial que causa amnésia súbita, Aris, um homem de meia-idade, se encontra inscrito em um programa de recuperação criado para ajudar pacientes não reclamados a construir novas identidades.
Slovenian by Choice
A documentary about the life choices of seven men and one woman who left their home countries and moved to Yugoslavia at the time of the non-aligned movement. In Slovenia, they started new lives, had families and made careers. Coming from different cultures, there are two traits they share: determination and persistence. In their personal accounts, they speak of their experience and share their memories of the time since their arrival.
Lady 1
The paths of two girls cross one evening in Ljubljana. Tina, a Slovene, and Iben, a Danish girl of similar age, both experiencing some kind of turning point in their lives, open up to one another and soon develop a close bond...