Renata, her husband Jan and their son Kamil lead a seemingly happy life out of town. One evening an unexplained event leaves the house in chaos. Jan finds his wife bruised in the shed and Kamil lying on the floor. As none of the two can explain what happened, Jan suggests they go to family therapy. Afraid at first, Renata eventually accepts. They go to a closed counselling centre. During a session with a psychotherapist, Renata informs him that her name is Ren and that she is an android – the latest type of artificial intelligence, error-free and fully emotive...
"Deserter's Gold", the sequel to the very popular "The Deserters", is a rich war comedy, skipping humorously around the more serious dangers of a war. Deserters Gold takes place during World War II, while the first film happened during WWI. The heroes' mission is to rob a Nazi-run bank in Poland for gold that will buy military supplies for the Polish Underground.