Józef Czerniawski


No antigo Egito, a luta de Ramsés XIII contra o poder dos sacerdotes, a quem o jovem faraó responsabiliza pelo declínio do país, em filme de produção suntuosa. Indicado ao Oscar de melhor filme estrangeiro em 1967, depois de ser apresentado com sucesso no Festival de Cannes em 1966.
Warszawska syrena
Under the Phrygian Star
Cat, police officer conducting a search at Tomczewski's (uncredited)
With the second part of his Cellulose Diptych, award-winning director Jerzy Kawalerowicz returns to protagonist Szczesny, now a full-fledged, middle-aged communist militant in pre-war Poland. Based on the writings of Igor Newerly, Kawalerowicz's epic chronicles the romance between Szczesny and the charismatic Madzia, as the ill-fated pair fall in love amid the social and political upheaval of their homeland.