As the Summer break comes to an end, Cédric, Romain and Carlos' friendship gets rocky while playing what might be their last Warhammer game together.
Anne divides her life between the primary school where she teaches and her home where she engages in a strange ritual with her son Simon. But her daughter Helena, whom she hasn’t seen in a long time, is in town for a special performance of The Rite of Spring.
The journey of Christian Lafayette, a French soldier who, in the aftermath of a murderous ambush in Afghanistan, has returned to France. Soon mixed up in trafficking opium with Mounir, his brother-in-arms who was wounded in the ambush, Lafayette, a foster child, and tormented war hero, chooses a new family and life – a criminal’s life. To escape this vicious circle of violence, Christian has to learn how to love.
À medida que o inverno se aproxima e P.A. vê o mundo mudando ao seu redor, ele começa a observar fenômenos estranhos no ambiente. As mudanças são imperceptíveis no início, mas gradualmente todo o seu mundo parece estar à beira do precipício.