Subeer Kumar (Amitabh) is well on his way to becoming India's top pop singer. He has no intention of getting married, but when he goes to visit his Durga Mausi (Mausi=mother's sister), he falls in love with religious, simple Uma, by whose voice he's enchanted. He marries her and returns to Bombay where he announces that he will never sing without Uma again. However, Subeer encourages Uma to sing alone and when her popularity is soon greater than his own, the seed of jealousy begins to grow... The major difference between Uma and Subeer is that she sings for herself, whereas he sings for the public. It is the difference between geet and sangeet. This is the root of the thing that later causes problems, and based on which the movie is named.
In order to study abroad in Great Britain, Ramesh agrees to marry an illiterate village girl named Sudha, but refuses to love her. Heartbroken, Sudha tries to kill herself, but is rescued by Shankernath, who coaches her etiquette and teaches her English so she can go to England to win back her husband. The plan seems to work perfectly, until Shankernath discovers his own daughter, Jenny, has fallen in love with Ramesh.
Assistant Director
Depois de brigar com o pai juiz, Raj Raghunath sai de casa e cai nas mãos do criminoso Jagga. Quando percebe que seu novo amigo teve um papel importante no passado de sua família, Raj o mata. O caso será julgado pelo seu pai.