Mariangela Sicilia


Turandot - Teatro Comunale Bologna
The story is by the dramatist Carlo Gozzi and dates from 1762, telling of the Chinese princess Turandot, who sets her suitors three riddles in order to marry her. Only the suitor who solves the riddle may ask for her hand in marriage, otherwise death awaits.
Il viaggio a Reims - Roma
It is the first time that the journey to Reims to Rome is represented and this happens on a particular date two days after the death of Philip Gossett, the great musicologist who succeeded in reconstructing this mysterious score in the eighties. The theater has dedicated to him the presentations in progress with a dutiful tribute. Approximately 50% of the music of the Journey to Reims will merge a few years later in Le Comte Oryand for the cases of the lot of the autograph material that was not reused, it was discovered by Gossett in Rome at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in a fund never analyzed before.
Benvenuto Cellini
With his affinity for the 16th-century sculptor Benvenuto Cellini's advocacy of artistic and personal freedom, Hector Berlioz went straight for the grand gesture with his first completed opera. Returning to it years after initial production debacles, Berlioz stated that he would 'never again find such verve and Cellinian impetuosity, nor such a variety of ideas.' The plot revolves around Cellini's wooing of Teresa, a match frustrated at every opportunity by his rival, the cowardly Fieramosca. Benvenuto Cellini is a pithy work combining romance, excitement, violence, comedy and spectacle; the perfect stage for Terry Gilliam's stylishly colorful and larger than life directing.