Zoltán Cservák


A másik érintése
A New Perspective
The boy
Early one morning, in an unspecified and seemingly far off time, a 12 year old boy, together with some friends, is searching a thick forest for objects of value. There is a lot of fog. The boy goes off by himself to another part of the wood and stands admiring an antique object he has found at the foot of a tree. His happy expression turns to one of curiosity as he is distracted by some high pitched cries which come and go intermittently.
Elfelejtett Nemzedék
Four outnumbered hungarian soldiers hold a stand in the woods, against the soviet army, near the end of the second world war.
A true story of a prisoner of the Siberian Gulag about hope. About hope, that we can stay human beings during the cruelest suffering.
A répa
Filho de Saul
1944, campo de concentração de Auschwitz, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Saul (Géza Röhrig) é um judeu obrigado a trabalhar para os nazistas, sendo um dos responsáveis em limpar as câmaras de gás após dezenas de outros judeus serem mortos. Em meio à tensão do momento e às dificuldades inerentes desta tarefa, ele reconhece entre os mortos o corpo de seu próprio filho.