Taijiro Tamura


Old Narcissus
Old Narcissus
Kazuomi Mitsuhashi
When pregnant Mia Sakaguchi falls from a staircase at the shrine, she is transferred to 1994 and immediately admitted to a mental institution, because no one believes her that she is from the future. There she is confronted with the shocking truth that the mentally ill are forcibly sterilized. In order to protect her unborn child, she tries to escape from the institution.
The Name
Having failed with his business and gone absolutely penniless, Masao (45) divorced with his wife, and is currently leading a hopeless life in Ibaraki. One day, a mysterious high school girl, going by the name Emiko, showed up before Masao. Every now and then, Masao would be toyed around by Emiko, but little by little he started taking a liking to her loveliness. As days went by, Masao started opening up to Emiko – something that he rarely did to others. However, there was just something about Emiko – something that bothered Masao - that wouldn’t go away.
Fumiko's Legs
When older man Tsukakoshi asks Unokichi to paint it is of his mistress, the geisha Fumiko. Tsukakoshi loves the feet and legs part of Fumiko's anatomy. The fetishism gives the art student a commission to put his talent to use.
The Light Shines Only There
A man has thrown away love and a woman has given up on love. The two souls meet in a brief summer in the northern city of Hakodate.
Hajimari mo owari mo nai
I Will Fly to the Sky on a Wheelchair
(I will Soar to the Skies in my Wheelchair ) Hasebe Yasuyuki is living his life carelessly alone in his apartment, until one day, he jumps from the top of a building escaping a street gang and injures his spinal cord. And the doctor tells him that he can't walk anymore. His mother, Haruko, hurries to the hospital for her son, however Yasuyuki is on bad terms with her, so he asks her to leave him alone. There he meets an ill kid in the hospital named Ishii Daisuke who is living his life positively, and the store staff Katou Kumi, who always smiles even though she had a sad past. He gains confidence and decides to start his rehabilitation. After Yasuyuki is discharged from the hospital, he starts relying on everybody everywhere, so he falls into despair and starts thinking of committing suicide seeing no future for himself.
A woman, born in a cowshed, grows up working a dairy farm. Suffering under the gaze of her male coworkers, she longs for the attention of the newspaper delivery boy.
Cat Taxi
A Lush Life
The story involves an aloof thief, a young man who turns to God after his father’s suicide, a manipulative marriage councilor, a man who recently lost his job, and several others whose lives become intertwined in various unexpected ways.
The Clone Returns Home
Kohei Takahara, an astronaut who dies in the line of duty, is legally resurrected as a clone: however, contrary to the scientists’ expectations, he reverts to his childhood memories when his twin brother drowned sacrificing his life for Kohei. Kohei’s clone discovers the body of his former self mistakenly believing that it is his deceased twin. Reliving his tragic past, he sets off carrying his corpse body to the beautiful hometown where he lived with his now dead mother.
Diary of Beloved Wife: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
Chiho has prohibited her husband, Takahashi, from smoking while she is trying to become pregnant. Takahashi hasn’t told his wife he was laid off, and has a paid sexual encounter with a high-school student, attracted by the pungent odor of her cigarettes, Peace Regulars. That evening, Chiho became outraged by the foul odor of the Peace Regulars saying it reminded her of an elderly relative having shoved the same brand of cigarettes into her genitals in the distant past. In fact that memory was not Chihos, but that of her twin sister, Kaho.
O Sol
Em 15 de agosto de 1945, os japoneses ouvem pela primeira vez a voz do seu imperador, que exorta o seu exército e o seu povo a pôr fim às hostilidades. Isso permite aos norte-americanos desembarcar nas ilhas japonesas sem encontrar resistência.
A Cura
Pessoas são encontradas mortas com um bizarro "x" cravado em seus corpos. Desesperado, um detetive chamado Takabe decide iniciar uma investigação à base de longos e intermináveis sessões de interrogatórios porém, sua investigação não resulta em nada. Até que um determinado dia um rapaz é preso por estar perto de mais uma pessoa assassinada. Tímido e de trejeitos estranhos, resta saber qual a ligação entre ele o os crimes (e quem sabe, com o assassino)