Just letting loose – that is Samiel’s wish for his journey to Krakow. On the bus, there is already some chemistry between him and Nina. He hopes to finally lose his virginity, but can’t really climax once he gets to that one moment. Samiel simply doesn’t feel it.
Production Manager
VIVA LA VULVA is a documentary film that casts a glance right into the centre of female sexuality – historically, culturally, and politically. With a sense of humour, but earnestly and profoundly it examines this very symbol and indicator of women's self-determination, a mystic source of life and anarchic threat to patriarchal systems. Made a symbol of the forbidden, the vulva is attributed its due cultural significance only by being heavily negated, while its fictitious existence as a focus of male sexual phantasies and the pressure to adapt exerted on women make it a significant economic factor. From church to psychoanalysis: what women carry between their legs seems second-rate to the primacy of the penis. But VIVA LA VULVA can also give hope to those awaiting a turn towards a self-determined female sexuality and a new, confident self-definition of women. Not deadly serious, but with informative verve we tell the tale of the new self-awareness of the female sex.
Production Manager
O filme passa-se em Brenner Pass, região de fronteira alpina da Áustria, em que o governo austríaco anunciou a construção de uma cerca na fronteira, esperando uma mudança das rotas de refugiados para a Itália após o fechamento da rota dos Balcãs. Os moradores temem a cerca tanto quanto o afluxo supostamente ameaçador de estrangeiros para sua terra natal.