Christine Gilroy
Set in a post-Troubles Northern Ireland, The Truth Commissioner follows the fictional story of Henry Stanfield, played by Roger Allam, a career diplomat who has just been appointed as Truth Commissioner to Northern Ireland. Eager to make good as a peacemaker, the Prime Minister urges a commission following the South African model of Truth and Reconciliation. But, though Stanfield starts bravely, he quickly uncovers some bloody and inconvenient truths about those now running the country; truths which none of those in power are prepared to have revealed.
Em fevereiro de 1975, na Irlanda do Norte, Alistair Little, um jovem de 17 anos de idade membro de um grupo paramilitar protestante, mata o católico Jim Griffin na frente de seu irmão mais novo, Joe. Trinta anos depois, com Little solto da prisão, uma emissora de TV decide promover o encontro dele com Joe, para tentar uma reconciliação. O problema é que Joe tem outros planos para o encontro.