Yarden Gat is young, brilliant, creative and doesn't really believe in love. However when she decides to go on a date anyway, she soon dicovers herself telling about the time she worked for a newspaper, slept with her married boss and following his order ruined her single romanticist best friend's life, when she sends him on many dates only to write about it humiliatingly in the paper. Maybe not the best story for a first date? depends on the date...
Yarden Gat is young, brilliant, creative and doesn't really believe in love. However when she decides to go on a date anyway, she soon dicovers herself telling about the time she worked for a newspaper, slept with her married boss and following his order ruined her single romanticist best friend's life, when she sends him on many dates only to write about it humiliatingly in the paper. Maybe not the best story for a first date? depends on the date...
Two losers men in their thirties are having the worst night in their life when they discover that they will soon be millionaires. The only thing that they haven't thought about is that the way to the million will lead them to a journey in which they will meet some of the worst surreal and crazy people, that will try to take their money in any cost.
La "fouine"
A produção conta a história do Gerente de RH da maior empresa panificadora de Jerusalém, que está enfrentando problemas. Ele se separou da mulher, quase não vê a filha e está preso em um trabalho que odeia. Mas tudo piora quando uma de suas funcionárias morre em um atentado terrorista, assim ele é chamado de insensível e desumano. Ele então embarca em uma missão, começando pelas místicas ruas de Jerusalém até as terras geladas da Romênia. O Gerente acaba guiando um estranho comboio até o vilarejo da mulher morta, onde encontra seu filho rebelde, um jornalista determinado a arruiná-lo, um motorista já veterano e um caixão.
Noemi, the studious, devoutly religious daughter of a prominent rabbi, convinces her father to postpone her marriage for a year so that she might study at a Jewish seminary for women in the ancient Kabalistic seat of Safe.
גורי אלפי
הצמד אסי כהן וגורי אלפי קורעים את הבמה עם המופע המיוחד והיחודי שלהם עם הקטעים המפורסמים מההופעה : אלדד ורונן, ביקור בכלא (עמי). חיזרים, עמרי ההילר סיפורו של פרוספר, רוברט וג'ורג', דוד ותקווה ועוד המון!
What will Riki do after Asher, her fiancé, tells her that he got second thoughts regarding their wedding?..
גורי אלפי