Alfred Roberts


Ladrões de Casacos
Scenic Artist
In a mansion block in Knightsbridge, a gang of middle-aged biddies decide to brighten up "the dullness of the tea time of life" by staging a series of robberies on furriers, then donating the proceeds to charitable concerns. Terry Thomas as a retired army officer leads the gang, which includes Athene Seyler and Hattie Jacques, on a series of capers that nearly go awry when their maid, Billie Whitelaw, an ex-con and also a resident of the block, falls for a police officer.
Too Many Crooks
Scenic Artist
Accident-prone Fingers runs a pretty unsuccessful gang. They try and rob wealthy but tricky Billy Gordon - who distrusts banks and fears the Inland Revenue - but he sees Fingers and the boys off. So they decide to kidnap his daughter, only to end up with his wife Lucy. Gordon makes out he couldn't be more pleased, spuring Lucy to take charge of the hopeless bunch of villains.
Os Sapatinhos Vermelhos
Scenic Artist
No árduo mundo do balé, as garotas e dançarinos do empresário Boris Lermontov não têm folga: sua vida deve ser devotada à dança se eles quiserem continuar na carreira. A jovem bailarina Victoria Page é uma promessa, e após o sucesso do espetáculo "Red Shoes", parece que ela terá o mundo a seus pés, até se envolver com o compositor Julian Craster, a contragosto de Lermontov.
Sei Onde Fica o Paraíso
Scenic Artist
Plucky Englishwoman Joan Webster travels to the remote islands of the Scottish Hebrides in order to marry a wealthy industrialist. Trapped by inclement weather on the Isle of Mull and unable to continue to her destination, Joan finds herself charmed by the straightforward, no-nonsense islanders around her, and becomes increasingly attracted to naval officer Torquil MacNeil, who holds a secret that may change her life forever.
Nosso Barco, Nossa Alma
Scenic Artist
O contratorpedeiro Torrin resiste bravamente a um ataque das potências do Eixo, porém precisa retornar às praias inglesas para reparos. De volta à ativa, ele participa da retirada de Dunquerque e acaba por soçobrar em Creta, vitimado pelo inimigo. Enquanto aguardam socorro, os sobreviventes revelam porque e para quem continuam a lutar.