Don Starnes


Life & Life
Reggie Austin is in San Quentin prison, serving a life sentence. When a film crew goes to the prison to film a documentary and stage a concert to honor sax great Frank Morgan (who once served there), Reggie steps up to perform. It changes his life forever.
Wilder than Wild: Fire, Forests, and the Future
Wilder than Wild reveals how fire suppression and climate change have exposed Western forests to large, high intensity wildfires, while greenhouse gases released from these fires contribute to global warming. This vicious cycle jeopardizes our forests and affects us all with extreme weather and more wildfires, some of which are now entering highly populated wildland-urban areas.
BTS Videographer
Sidney Prescott começa a desconfiar que a morte de dois estudantes está relacionada com o falecimento da sua mãe, há cerca de um ano. Enquanto isso, os jovens da pacata cidadezinha de Woodsboro começam a receber chamadas telefónicas de um maníaco que faz perguntas sobre filmes de terror. Quem erra as respostas morre. As perguntas seguem uma lógica que será desvendada numa grande festa escolar.