Juan Pablo Ruiz


Cerro Quemado
Micaela and her mother Yurquina begin a journey in search of their grandmother Felipa, the last inhabitant of the forgotten and extraordinary landscape of Cerro Quemado. It is the poetic portrait of a world about to disappear, the meeting of three women united by an indigenous past.
Cerro Quemado
Micaela and her mother Yurquina begin a journey in search of their grandmother Felipa, the last inhabitant of the forgotten and extraordinary landscape of Cerro Quemado. It is the poetic portrait of a world about to disappear, the meeting of three women united by an indigenous past.
El Hombre Universal
Sound Editor
O Homem Universal is a documentary that claims the memory of Arnoldo Palacios (1924 – 2015), an important representative of Afro literature in Colombia. It narrates his journey lived in the midst of the extreme poverty of the Colombian Pacific; his high ideals of understanding human reality lead him to different scenarios in European literature.
El Hombre Universal
O Homem Universal is a documentary that claims the memory of Arnoldo Palacios (1924 – 2015), an important representative of Afro literature in Colombia. It narrates his journey lived in the midst of the extreme poverty of the Colombian Pacific; his high ideals of understanding human reality lead him to different scenarios in European literature.
Antarctic Dream
Um grupo de marinheiros argentinos parte parta a Antártica num veleiro especialmente concebido para atravessar o temível Estreito de Drake, uma das faixas marítimas com as piores condições meteorológicas do mundo. Uma aventura empolgante do cineasta Bernardo David Heredia.
La palabra empeñada