Ann Cameron


O Filho Pródigo
70 A.C. Micah (Edmund Purdom), o filho de Eli (Walter Hampden), fica tão obcecado por Samarra (Lana Turner), uma sacerdotisa pagã, que pega parte da fortuna de seu pai e vai atrás dela, que foi para Damasco. Apesar de desejar muito Samarra ele se recusa a fazer qualquer oferenda aos deuses que ela adora, pois Micah jurou ser fiel apenas para Jeová. Mas Samarra planeja seduzir Micah e fazê-lo abandonar sua fé.
Simbad - O Marujo
Wife (uncredited)
Daredevil sailor Sinbad embarks on a voyage across the Seven Seas to find the lost riches of Alexander the Great. His first stop is the port of Basra, where his ship is seized and scheduled for auction. In his attempt to win it back, he befriends beautiful concubine Shireen. But when her master, the nefarious Emir, calls her back to duty, Sinbad must interrupt his adventure to save the "Jewel of Persia."
Two Sisters from Boston
Bowery Chorine (uncredited)
Abigail Chandler has written her stuffy Boston relatives that she's a successful opera singer in New York. In reality, she works at a burlesque house and is billed as High-C Susie. When her sister Martha comes for a visit, Abigail tries to hide the truth from her.
Finishing School
Miss Schmidt
Virginia, who studies at a boarding school for upper-class girls, falls in love with a medical intern who works as a waiter for a living. Both the director of the school and her mother oppose such a relationship.